Someone with a good heart and with high hopes....Someone that is not afraid to be themselves around me and the One i can trust and remember............
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---- MicheLLe RodRiGUezMy HuSbaNd "TraViZ BaRKer"---PHaRrell WillIAms---and MOst Of all My Other Man...BatMan!!The Temptations, Al Green, Barry White, TatU, lil Wayne, System of A Down, Killswitch Engage, Transplants, Llyod, Gwen Stafani, Akon, Ne-Yo, Young Jeezy, R-Kelly, Hawthorne Heights, AFI, Disturbed, Three Days Grace, The Pack, Lupe Fiasco.....and much much MORE......
...::About Me::...
Full Name: GabBIe E. Ch@v3z
Eye Color: BroWn
Hair Color: BroWn
Height: Umm..5'7''
Shoe Size: SIZe: 8
Ring Size: SiZe: 6 or 7
Heritage: I Am NAtIve "Baby"
Graduating Year: TWo ThOUsaNd SeVen!!
Birthdate: DeCemBer 15Th, 1987
Zodiac Sign: S@gITARIUs
Concert: LaCona Coil!!
Best Friend: ~MyR@~
Crush: LAnCe YellOWHOrSe
Pet: PuPpY!!
Sport: BaSKetBall
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: I Sc@REd....
Bungee Jumped: I AM A SiSsy!!
Gone out of the Country: HeCk YEah!!
Beaten Someone Up: YeAH!!!
Gotten Beat Up: HelL YeAH!!!
Killed an Animal: Umm...NoOpe U CraZy!!
Swam in the Ocean: Yeuupp!!! Myrtle Beach!!!
Broke the Law: NoPe...I'z A GoOd GUrl!!
Smoked: NoPe....#SorRy WroNg ChilD#
Chewed Tobacco: NoPE
Drank: WhAT......NoPe
Been Kissed: YuP!!
Been In Love: YeAh...OnCe!!!
Dumped Someone: YuP!!
Been Dumped: NoPe!!
Broken Someone's heart: YEaH!!
Had Your Heart Broken: YuP...IT SuXs....
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Umm....
Broken A Bone: NoPe
Had Surgery: NoPe
Had an X-ray or MRI: YeAH...CaT ScAN!!
Failed a Class: NoPe!!! =-)
Color: GrEen,PiNk,BRoWn and YeLLow
Food: CErEal!!!
Drink: Dr.PeppEr....
Snack: CHeeze Itz.....
Cereal: CoCOa PuffS....KiXs....CapTian CRunCh...LuCky CharMS..HoNey Combs....LIfE...and More!!
Ice Cream: StRawBErry w/ ChoCaLaTe!!
Candy: TwiX....ANd SniCkers!!!
Restaurant: PaNDa ExpRess..oh Yeah HOOTERS...i LOve HOOTERS!!!
Fast Food Place: SoNiCS
Store: ZuMIez!!!
Animal: A GrEat BiG Bear!!
Quote: "i LOVe CHeeSE aNd My GuY"
Sport To Play: BasKet-Ball...::This//Or//That::...
Pepsi or Coke: What???? Dr.PeppEr DorKS!!!
Vanilla or Chocolate: BoTH
Cake or Ice Cream: iCe CReam
McDonalds or Burger King: mC.DonAlds
Love or Money: LoVe
Music or TV: MusiC
Cat or Dog: DOG!!!
Mom or Dad: BoTh!!!
Truck or Car: TruCk!!
Ocean or Lake: OceAN
Yahoo or Hotmail: YaHoo.....
Google or AJ: GooGle
Light or Dark: LiGht
Country or City: CitY
Rain or Sunshine: RaiN
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: Da SmilE =-)
Personality or Looks: PeRsONalIty***
Hair Color: BrOWn
Eye Color: DoN't MatTer
Short or Tall: Tall-----Oh Yeah
Romanic or Spontaneous: BoTh!!!
Sense of Humor or Sweet: BoTh......duhhhh
Hook up or Relationship: ReLATionShip.....ScRew Tha HoOk Up!!!
Feeling: HaPPy =-)
Listening To: CiAra "LIke a Boy"
Wanna: SeE mY BOo!!!
Doing Besides Typing: WaTchin MadDuex
Thinking About: My babY LanCe!!
Wearing: HolliSTer PoLo (PiNK and BroWn) White MuScle Shirt and JeaNS....
In Love: WiTh LanCe
Single: NoPe...I Am MarriEd
Best Friends: MyRA, GEorGE,AmBEr,CheWy,BroDY and HelEn
...::The Future::...
Career: ComPuTer AniMAtion
Marriage: Yup!!
Kids: NoT Yet
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuizFunny, Romantic and Horror Flicks!!!!
One Tree Hill, The Hills, Friends, and anything intresting
Comic books!!!
My HeRo WouLd HavE to Be My SiSter "JoMarIe" The ReasoN why...Is BecAuSe she Has Da...EnCourAgeMent, And She Aint AfraID To TrY NeW ThinGs in Life And She Has beeN Der Fo Me!!! I LoVe Ya SiSsy!!