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My name is Chris Heide. I am currently a private first class in the US Army (SFC Baker...SSG Herron represent!) My life is all about the people around me. I wouldnt be who i am without my friends...Chris, dude your not just my best friend ur my fuckin brother. No matter who messes with us, we got it. We can get each other out of anything, though most of the time we are in it together. You got my left and i got your right! Im proud to serve with u dude. Kim...ive never fallin so deeply in love with a girl. She is a great person and a great friend who has taught me so much about life and being a better person. And i thank her very much for that. I LOVE hockey. Ive played for a while, and we just finished winning state! I love to fish, hunt, and do muddin. I aint the best at any of the three but hell yeah its fun. My friends are my life, and thier always there when i need them. There are a couple i truelly miss in fort mill, the place i spent much of my life. Anna, ive known for about six years, and theres so much about her that always makes me smile. Shes one of two people who can always make me forget about my problems. And dusty, man ive got memories with him. Hes always been cool and really knows how to have fun. Thats life.In the long run, we learn alot, even when we dont want to. We learn about new people, and learn new things about the ones we already know. Mistakes have hurt me in life, but all we can do is learn and move on. Moving on...well its easier said than done. But life is not about sorrow and pity, but about love and enlightenment. We never realize how hard life is sometimes, but the strenght inside can fill you and drive you on. People in this world dont know what life would be like without the ability to learn. And love. Gods greatest gift. Never take it for granted. If you have it, never let it go. We wake up everyday, we go to sleep at night. Its whats inbetween those that counts.

My Interests

Hockey, Army, playing my guitar, sports, hockey, TV, rock climbing, friends, ice skating, baseball, and more hockey.

I'd like to meet:

Every famous hockey player like Gordie Howie, Mark Messier, Wayne Gretzky, and Martin Boduer. I would also like to meet anybody playing or who has played for the Carolina Hurricanes.


Just about everything except for rap. Mostly just country and rock


THE GUARDIAN!!!!, Independence Day, I Robot, Miracle, Longest Yard, Glory Road, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and any movie with Chris Rock or Jim Carry in it.


Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Dog the Bounty Hunter Sports, Blue Coller Comedy, Chappelle's Show, Carlos Mencia, almosy any standup comedy, andWhose Line


Anything about hockey, sports magazines, and the Harry Potter series... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What type of hockey player are you?
You have a crafty skill, and you avoid physical play with your slick moves and speed. Everything you do is flashy and clean.

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Which Military Branch Do You Belong In? (pics)

You like fighting things head on, but you don't like doing the dirty work. You believe the dirty work is left to the Marines for a good reason. You like staying on land and you want to risk your life everyday.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.comhref=""Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:

Martin St.Louis

You are the lightning fast Martin St.Louis. Your speed and accuracy are un-real. You have the nickname midget for a reason. You are small. But behind the small height you have serious potential and you pack some hitting power as well. You excel at playmaking and scoring. You rack up alot of points. To put the icing on the cake you are very young and have alot to learn and alot to accomplish ahead of you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


God, Lance Armstrong, Wanye Gretzky, Eric Staal, Cam Ward, every player for the Carolina Hurricanes, and my older brother Mike.

My Blog

To Her. Me, today, life

This blog is directed to a few certain people, a certain girl in particular. When people sit and think, sometimes its good and sometimes its not. For me its usually not a great thing. In the past...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:03:00 PST

Life and love

Life. What a word. Life and love. Two words that work best when together. We find somebody, and we try our asses off. In the end you learn so much from "the one that got away." But the question is sim...
Posted by Chris on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:44:00 PST


So why does a nation that has stood together for 200 years suddenly crumble at the sight of war. I have recently been castigated for joining the US Army. To those who participated in this...screw you!...
Posted by Chris on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 03:12:00 PST

Girls Please Read

..> Body: Body: We don't care if you talk to other guys.We don't care if you're friends with other guys.But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up a...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:27:00 PST