ADRIAN profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

found this love layout at HOT FreeLayouts.comI copied it from the NAACP site. THE JENA SIX In a small highly segregated rural Louisiana town of Jena in September 2006, a black student asked permission from school administrators to sit under the shade of a tree commonly reserved for the enjoyment of white students. School officials advised the black students to sit wherever they wanted and they did. The next day, three nooses, in the school colors, were hanging from the same tree. The Jena high school principal found that three white students were responsible and recommended expulsion. The white superintendent of schools over-ruled the principal and gave the students a three day suspension, saying that the nooses were “a youthful stunt.” Black students decided to resist and organized a sit-in under the tree to protest the lenient treatment given to the noose-hanging white students.Racial tensions remained elevated throughout the fall. On Monday, December 4 2006, a white student who allegedly had been racially taunting black students in support of the students who hung the nooses got into a fight with black students. Allegedly, the white student was taken to the hospital treated, released, reportedly attended a social function later that evening.As a result of this incident, six black Jena students were arrested and charged with attempted second degree murder. All six were expelled from school. The six charged were: 17-year-old Robert Bailey Junior whose bail was set at $138,000; 17-year-old Theo Shaw - bail $130,000; 18-year-old Carwin Jones--bail $100,000; 17-year-old Bryant Purvis--bail $70,000; 16 year old Mychal Bell, a sophomore in high school who was charged as an adult and for whom bail was set at $90,000; and a still unidentified minor.On the morning of the trial, the District Attorney reduced the charges from attempted second degree murder to second degree aggravated battery and conspiracy. Aggravated battery in Louisiana law demands the attack be with a dangerous weapon. The prosecutor was allowed to argue to the jury that the tennis shoes worn by Bell could be considered a dangerous weapon.When the pool of potential jurors was summoned, fifty people appeared, all white. The jury deliberated for less than three hours and found Mychal Bell guilty on the maximum possible charges of aggravated second degree battery and conspiracy. He faces up to a maximum of 22 years in prison.The rest of the Jena 6 await similar trials. Theodore Shaw is due to go on trial shortly. Mychal Bell is scheduled to be sentenced July 31. If he gets the maximum sentence he will not be out of prison until he is nearly 40.

My Interests

My interests include shopping, watching movies, and meeting new and interesting people.
You scored as Joan. Woohu!! You're a Joan!! You have the gift of giving and letting others know that you're there for them no matter what. You stay true to what you believe in and let no guy come in and take that away from you. You go grl!!








Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
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Favourites & Worsts
What is your fave band? Maroon 5
What is your worst band?
Who is your favourite singer? Fantasia
What is your favourite song? When i see u
What is your worst song? Lip Gloss
Band/singer with the best style: Beyonce
Band/singer with the worst style:
This or That
Pop or Rock: Pop
Rap or R&B: Rap
Metal or Indie: Indie
Green Day or Blink 182: Green Day
Madonna or Britney: Britney
My Chemical Romance or Panic! At the Disco: My Chemical Romance
50 Cent or Eminem: 50 Cent
Guitars or Drums: Guitars
Bass or Electric: Bass
Live or Studio: Live
What would you name your band? Glamorous
Would you play or sing? Sing
If play, what would you play?
Have you ever been to a concert? Yes
If yes, where was it and who was it? Fantasia, NC
Did you like it? Loved it
Whats your favourite radio station? 100.1 Tha Beat
What song is in your head at the moment? I'm a flirt
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Rihanna,Fantasia,Robin Thicke, Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, T.I., Lil Wayne, Lloyd, Nelly Furtado, Akon, Katherine MCPhee, Carrie Underwood, Hilary Duff, Pink, Rich Boy, Pretty Ricky, Omarion, Mya, Justin Timberlake, Maroon 5, Mims, Chris Brown,


Memoirs of a Geisha, Troy, Remember the Titans, The Temptations, Gladiator, Glory Road, Devil Wears Prada, Selena.


My favorite television shows are Desperate Housewives, Friends, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Ballers, America's Next Top Model, Family Guy, The Hill, Real World, Criminal Minds, Veronica Mars, Sex and the City.



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The Opposite Sex:

Body or Face face
Looks or Personality looks
Height 6ft
Weight 180
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Most Important Physical Feature face
Good/Bad Traits
Funny yes
Loud no
Seductive yes
Quiet no
Tall yes
Short no
Athletic yes
Fat no
Immature no
Competitive yes
Hyper yes
Smoker no
Drinker don't matter
Smart yes
Dumb no
Observant yes
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