KaYbAby♥ profile picture


East Carolina '11 ;-)

About Me

♥HEY! My name's Kayla && i FINALLY graduated from MHS and im officially a freshmen @ ECU c/o 2011 yeyuhh!
♥ i love all my girls, i couldnt live w/out them!
♥ i spend most of my time doing the absolute opposite of what i should be doing
♥i live for the moment, and i love to smile!
♥ i hate people who think they are everything
♥ and i really hate drama
♥id say im pretty fun to know =)
♥sn - x0sweetkay051

i love my ladies
SeThS HaLLoWeeN paRTy!

ThEe BeSsT FrIeNdd!

&& ThIs Is WhY i LoVe HeR!

ME AND SOME SENIOR GIRRRLS =) w/ the exception of jess, haha I LOVE HERRRR ♥ heart layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments
HotFreeLayoutsI edited my profile at MsPremade.com . check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

- Get Your Own

NeW yeaRs!
♥SaM MeRyl && I!
♥eRinnnn && mEee!!
haha i looove aj!!

StoLe iT bRiTp =) LOVEU

I'd like to meet:

♥Channing Tatum!



Me && eRiN @ the SeNioR DiNneR!!
♥DiNneR WiTh mY 07 HoEs! I LOOVE THEM


In OrLanDo WiTh My MinI-mE LindSaY!!


MEe && mY LuCkChArm BrItt!
MeEe && my DaDdyy!! =) KrIsTie Lee & I ♥
uS noW~
tAyLor~MeRyL~Me~eRin I♥them

♥forever friends
My MoM && BiLLStePDaDTheLiTtLeSisTeRs&ILiTtLeBrOtheR*JohNnY**mYTru ehEro*-mYDaDdY-oLdeRsiSteR*bRiTtAny*