I'm great, me. But then I'm obviously a bit biased since I've never been anyone else. Of course, by 'great' I don't mean perfect, but one has to make do. I'm 28. Work in the Pharmaceutical business (with compound handling robots. Not interesting).
In fact, I would much rather be drawing:
Dragon of Despair by * drakhenliche on deviant ART
I draw a lot. Here is another picture...
People often think I'm a bit of a daydreamer and a bit quiet, even aloof. I don't like the 'aloof' bit.. that's actually shyness; I'm not stuck up I just don't know what to say. I'm generally quite quiet anyway because I'm moderately introverted... usually there's so much going on in my head that I either don't feel the need to talk or completely forget to. There's nothing wrong with that, it just means I don't feel the need to blab all the time but some people don't understand that.
I enjoy my rock and metal and do like to head out on the town for a boogie now and then. Usually to the Electric Ballroom on a Friday... not because it's my favourite place but because there's NOWHERE FUCKING ELSE TO GO in London these days. Yes, I know there's lots of pubs but I don't want to spend all night sitting on my arse, thanks. I like to get on the floor and have a dance (I'm dreadful at it and have no sense of rhythm but that doesn't stop me having fun).