I had to think about this question before I answered. What came off the tip of my tongue was Hedley. I love the band, their love for music. But then I thought again...I did meet them briefly at their signing after a concert. But, would love to meet them up close and personal. So I pondered some more and decided I would love to meet any actor or musician that was down to earth, like Zach Braff, John Travolta, Ellen Degeneras, just because I might laugh at how artificial so many other celebrities are. I'm not your everyday celebrity lover, for instance...I have always loved Rob Thomas especially when he was with Matchbox 20. Well, I went to the concert, and I just got the impression he didn't want to be there. Like he was not connected to what he was doing at the moment. At first I thought, what a waste of time/money and what a dissapppointment. Then I began to really watch him while he was on his piano and thought....he probably misses family, he must be lonely, tired. Then the mother came out in me and I thought you know...if I were his friend I would give him a nice home cooked meal, let him talk it out, and give him a comfortable, quiet place to rest. Heh, I talk toooo much ...I know.