I'm known to some as Deb, and to others as Amethyst. I'm just a girl. Well, okay, I admit it ... I'm a Girly Girl. I've been told I'm an old soul. Family and friends are VERY important to me. I love animals. The "dumbing down" of America annoys me. I long for the lost art of conversation. I mourn the lack of etiquette apparent every time I walk outside my front door. At heart I'm very old fashioned.
I live in Northern Virginia and work in Washington, DC supporting the CIO of a large law firm. I'm VERY happily engaged to the most wonderful man on the planet. I waited a long time to find him and presently I'm consumed with planning our perfect wedding for April 2010.
I love (well behaved) kids, but I don't have and don't want any. I've been on a diet my entire life because I actually like when people call me "skinny bitch." I'm very affectionate with my friends, but please don't invade my personal space unless you have been invited. Certain friends believe I may have been a house cat in a previous life because I prefer sitting in laps to chairs.
I'm addicted to Starbucks and shoes. Live music is like a drug to me. I'm very fortunate to call many members of my favorite bands my friends. I also enjoy dancing, fashion, and laughing. I try my best to live in the moment and enjoy the little things.
I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world because of my family and friends. My favorite quote is by Emily Dickenson ... "My friends are my estate."
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Layout by CoolChaser