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About Me

Silky Bar Kid a.ka Noodles. an up and comin mc who has been taken under the talented wing of the Gutter Dwellers ( Mister D & Barnzee). A self proclaimed loveable rouge this artist has an infectious personality but is deadly serious when it comes to his music. Being born in kent gave him the city dweller mentality, now livin on the outskirts of newport he see’s the mellower side of the page. As of yet there are no tracks for public listenin to speak of although rumour has it there is a mixtape in progress and few other projects. With his mixture of witty, aggresive and sometimes out of a box thats not even been labled lyrics and concepts, it will not be long untill you will be listenig to the noodle sound and ejoying your noodles.......

My Interests


Member Since: 12/06/2006
Sounds Like: Sounds like that voice in your head tellin u 2 do wrong!!!!
Type of Label: Major

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