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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an independent filmmaker behind two very different features. A thriller called 'Dark Chamber', and a broad comedy called Caesar and Otto.www.davecampfield.comLatest news:
My screenplay, Lost Disciple, places in the top five finalists in this year's SCREAMFEST screenwriting competition. www.screamfestla.com"DARK CHAMBER" TO BE RELEASED IN FEBRUARY '08 After years in the making, Dark Chamber has been picked up for distribution by Pop Cinema/Shock-O-Rama productions and will be released early next year. The film will contain new footage shot exclusively for this release. The DVD will also contain hours of extra features including a director's commentary, in depth makings of featurettes, a documentary chronicling the true life cult killing that inspired the story, exclusive interviews segments with Felissa Rose, Desiree Gould, and Raine Brown, outtakes, and much more. More news on its way. ==============================OTHER NEWS: DARK CHAMBER WINS BEST DRAMTIC PICTURE AT THE 2007 LONG ISLAND FILM FESTIVAL AND BEST SCREENPLAY AT THE TERROR FILM FESTIVAL .

My Interests

Health, exercise, filmmaking, acting, writing, nature


rock, disco, classical, rap... guess everything but country... but I don't hate that either


City Lights, Invisible Man, It Happened One Night, Gone With the Wind, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, The 39 Steps, Son of Frankenstien, It's a Wonderful Life, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, On the Waterfront, East of Eden, Rear Window, 7 Samurai, Strangers on a Train, The Bridge on the River Kwa, In the Heat of the Night, Star Wars, Godfather, Jaws, Clockwork Orange, Exorsist, Rocky, Superman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, JFK, Cape Fear (1992 version), Dead Man Walking, Slingblade, Crimson Tide, BULWORTH, Hotel Rwanda, Batman Begins and the Incredibles :)


The Simpsons, The Odd Couple, Taxi, Twenty-Four


Animal Farm


Paul Chomicki