We waste time looking for the perfect lover...
...Instead of creating the perfect love ♥"
“And the collision of your kiss, made it so hardâ€
“A kiss and I will surrenderâ€
“I’ll end my days with you in a hall of bullets"
My name is Hayley ! But I prefer to be called Hayl!!
I live in Bristol ..! and it's awesome! I live in a great house with my sister Jen-Face & Graham =)
Hopefully at some point in the future, I am goin 2 be swept off my feet & taken 2 FIJI **HINT HINT**
I have 3 awesome baby sisters; Abigail, Erin & Mirren. I love them so much..! They're only 12, 8 & 6 yrs old atm, and it was hard leaving them when I moved to Bristol.
My closest friends are my sister, JenFace, BENJ & my mummy! HeHe!!
I spend my days sleepin or at the pub..!
AND SOON... (bout 6 months) I will be moving again..! To an unknown faraway place ♥ cant wait...