Two-Hands Revy profile picture

Two-Hands Revy

Life is never a game. Worry about your own sorry ass before worrying about the consequences!

About Me

I suppose you could say I'm eccentric. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, though I love relaxing just as much. I love my family more than I can put to words. Family is what you make of it, not necessarily blood tied. I learned that very well. Even friends can be family. ^_^

I've trained in the martial arts, Shudokan, and am more trained in normal street fighting, and with knowledge of both Akido and Thai Boxing (Muay Thai), I have pretty much blended street fighting, martial arts and things I've seen used. I'm also trained in various weaponry from bows, to guns, and short swords. I wish to train with long swords and broad swords to increase my strength, but I don't have the money to go and do it. I need to go back and learn even more discipline. *tilts head* I also want to just broaden my horizens in general in the martial arts field.

I'm very tomboyish and reckless here and there. I like a good challenge and outdoor sports, especially rock climbing. I am also a bibliophile. Book-maniac, in other words. Mostly with Manga (Japanese books, comic-style more often than not.) as opposed to regular American books. I also love to play video games and hang out with people.

The Ultimate About Me Survey
The Basics
Name: Shalie Lanchester
Birthday: April 10, 1986
Eye color: Hazil - tends to change colors depending on lighting and what I'm wearing.
Hair color: Dark Brown
Heritage: _' I'm a mutt, I have no clue other than a LOT of Europian, some French Canadian, and Native American.
Piercings: Two on each ear on the lobe.
Tattoos: Two. One on my middle back, and the other on my right hand.
Overused phrase: "Heh..."
Disney Movie: Mulan and Lion King. I love them all though.
Food: I'll eat nearly anything. _
Sport: Swimming, rock climbing, biking, just about anything really.
Holiday: Christmas for the sheer nostalgia of childhood and family-togetherness.
Shoe Brand: None.
Store: Wal*Mart. _
TV Show: Hrmm... Deal Or No Deal.
Professional team: None.
Drink (non-alcoholic): Water.
Drink (alcoholic): Mike's Hard Limonade or Strawberry Daquiris.
Band: I like too many to list.
Color: Purples, blues, greens, black and silver.
Day of the week: Don't care really, just whatever day it is. O_O'
In a Guy/Girl
Biggest turn on: A bit mysterious, dark hair, and fit. (Yea yea, typical romance novel guy, but hey...)
Biggest turn off: HYGENE!!! And a large ego.
Funny or serious: Both, but knows when to be what in which situation.
Looks or personality: Personality first and foremost, but looks wouldn't hurt either.
Favorite body part: Eyes and chest.
Younger or older: Preferably older, but it really doesn't matter as long as they are my age or older maturity wise.
First thing you notice: Their form. How they hold themselves and what kind of frame they have.
Best clothing style: Whatever fits them best as long as it's not grungy, stinky, or making them look like a hobo off the streets.
Do You...
Get annoyed easily?: Depends on why... Normally, no.
Get along with your parents?: My Dad, Charlie, heck yea! My biological parents? Not at all...
Have a tan?: I wish I was a little tanned, that would be nice.
Have any siblings?: 1 half sister and two step-brothers.
Smoke?: HECK no!
Look more like your mom or dad?: Dad, definately!
Trust people?: *tilts head* It is an issue, I have, but for the most part, yes, as long as they prove they're worth giving my trust to.
How do you want to die?: Either in my sleep, or heroically while saving or protecting someone.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love?: You bet your ass I would!!
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Get all random and weird, read, play a game, or clean.
Where do you want to live when you are done with school?: Hokkaido, Japan. Or Tokyo. Maybe Osaka too.
What is the best feeling in the world?: Swimming in the warm sea or free-falling through the sky.
What are your friends mostly likely to yell at you for?: Being a weird, but spontanious person. I really don't get yelled at by my friends, save a special one. She lets me know when I'm doing something stupid.
What compliment are you most likely to receive?: That I'm pretty and kind.
Do you have any bad habits?: XD Oi... You just had to ask...Yes. Putting myself down.
What is the worst feeling in the world?: Being alone. Everyone hating me.
Do you tell people what they want to hear?: Depends on who and what for. For the most part, I'm honest, and sometimes, too honest for my own good.
Have you ever been disowned from your family?: Yea, if a restraining order from my own blood mother counts.
What's something you do that people would find weird?: A lot. I break out in random dances, or make animal noises when it's too quiet, or some random thing.
What is your least favorite thing in the world?: Hate.
Are you happy with your life so far?: Getting there! ^_^
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ___________________________________________________
What Ghost in the Shell Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.____________________________________________________


Myspace Layouts at / Anime girl

My Interests

Anime obviously, manga, music, video games, outdoor activities, computers, martial arts, Mui Thai boxing, singing, nature, weather, photography. __________
One of the Few Surveys that Paints a True Picture of You
The Basics- Just to get a picture of YOU
Hello, what is your name?: Alexandra Weiler
Height?: 5'5"
Weight?: 188lbs (just weighed in, mostly muscle from my recent exercising the last month or so.)
Hair color?: Dark Brown. Mid back length.
Eye color?: Hazil - bluish green.
Are you tan, pale or somewhere inbetween?: Average, but I tan well, especially in the summer when working or playing outdoors.
Any freckles?: Of course, but not really enough to matter.
Scars or birthmarks?: Yes, but where will remain a secreat.
How old are you?: I am 22 years old.
When's your birthday?: April 10th.
Where do you live?: Washington State, but I won't go anymore specific then that.
Now for Truly Getting to Know You
Are you more of an opptomist or pessimist?: Optimist usually, but I have my moments. I'm learning to be stronger. ^_^'
Would you rather spend a year on a deserted island with friends or family?: I'd gladly spend the rest of my life on a deserted island with a certain friend.
Do you prefer getting everything out of the way or procrastinating?: Getting it out of the way, definately. Leaves me time for playing in the end.
Are you extremely quiet around people you don't know, outgoing or inbetween: Maturely outgoing, but it really depends on the person or group of people.
Do you have a bunch of friends, a few close friends, or somewhere inbetween: A few close ones. I've learned that that's all I really need.
Would you die for someone in your family?: Yes.
What about your friends?: Most definately!
Do you love to read, hate to read, mildy enjoy it, or mildy dislike it?: I'm a bibliophile, what do you think?
What about t.v.?: Naw, hardly watch it anymore unless it's cool movies or anime.
Do you feel like a lot of people know the true you or a small few?: Small few, that's for sure. For some reason, people tend to think I'm something I'm not, in the negative way. I guess I rub some people the wrong way or something.
How many people do you trust with your life?: Less people than the number of fingers I have on one hand...
Would you rather go to a tropical island or ski resort?: Tropical Island, baby!!
R you more sensitive or tougher (in the sense you don't care what ppl say)?: I am a bit sensative of what others think of me...
Do you still play video games or find them a bore?: XD Play them with a passion! I can't wait for FFXIII!!!!
Are you really into your looks and fashion or you don't care so much?: I only care that I look somewhat mature, but otherwise, no, but am being told I should.
Did/do/will you like/liked your high school years?: I loved my high school years and dear God, I miss them...
Why or why not?: Life was so much simpler then...
Do you prefer excercising or laying around?: Exercising balanced with relaxation.
Are you a hard worker in school or more of a slacker, Or somewhere inbtwn?: Hard worker.
If you're already out of school, what type of student were you?: Silent, tough stranger, yet teachers pet.
Do you feel like you had a great childhood? Or not so good?: Not so good, but what does it matter?
Who is always there to support you?: Koneko-chan. She may be busy with her life and think she's not paying attention, but she's a better friend than she might give herself credit for!
Are you more of a day-dreamer or realistic thinker?: Day-dreamer, but I know when to be realistic.
How would you feel if they lengthened the school day? (yuck): By two hours and no more, that's cool, otherwise, hell on earth, I assure you. Especially if you have to pay for it.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so how many?: I have. 2. One of each.
If not, are you waiting for the one or waiting for another reason?: I'm waiting... Just recently, hope was sparked for the one who still holds my heart after 8 and a half years.
How do you feel about life?: It's steadily improving! ^_^
How do you feel about myspace?: Love it. XD
What about abortion?: Eh... I can't honestly say. I would never have one if pregnant...
Global warming?: The downfall of mankind if not fixed soon.
Gay marriage?: Could care less, not rooting for it to make a point, but not against it since I do tend to fancy the same gender as well.
Surveys?: Good way to pass the time and show others who you are.
Do you live in the moment, always look back, or always look foward?: In the moment, but learning to look forward. Always used to look back...
How do you really feel about yourself?: I feel there's LOTS of room to improve, but I'm gladly making the effort.
What about our society?: Could use some SERIOUS improvement. People have become far too shallow, putting too many expectations on everything around them.
Do you consider yourself more deep or simple?: Deep, but simple. It depends on what and why.
Do other people see you as this or only a few?: A few see me as such, but most of the time, the people who don't try to know me, find me simple.
How do you feel about the internet in general?: I cannot live without it. O_O'
School?: I wish I was back in it.
Are you a lover or a fighter?: Fighter, I have a lot of pride. But I'm also a lover. I try to avoid conflict and am a big romantic.
Do you consider yourself popular?: Yea, but not always in the good way, unfortunately.
Do you consider yourself a nerd?: LMAO! Depends...
Do you even believe in labels or just the person inside?: The person inside. Labels mean nothing, especially when you know that people don't know the real you.
Would you ditch your best friend for the love of your life?: Considering who my best friend is, that's impossible since they are the love of my life. _'
What about the other way around?: *points up to previous answer*
Have you ever really had a Best Friend?: Yes. I had a few, one of whom was unfairly taken from the world. I miss her, but she's in a better place.
Are you more of an english type or a math type?: ENGLISH!! *waves frantically* I SUCK at math. _
Do stupid people make you laugh?: Depends on the type of stupid implied. Mostly, no. I'm just seriously disappointed and annoyed.
Are you one of those stupid people?: Again, it depends. I'm the better stupid when not being mature about things. Depending on the situation, I let loose a bit.
Do you get angry easily?: I used to. Now days, it takes a LOT to get under my skin unless I'm threatened in any manner.
Do you look for love in all the wrong places?: I'm not really looking. I've found what I want, just waiting for it to come to me.
Who are your friends?: Kiri, Brandi, Sam, Gattina(Kitty), Julie, Cassie, Jim, J-cub, Leona, Bronwyn, Chem, Emi, Karl, Nathan, & Jon.
Whos in your immediate family?: I'd rather not say. Only my sister. My family is my step family and my friends.
Do you have a friend who acts different around different people?: One or 2, yes, but otherwise, nope.
Can you trust this person?: Eh... Not with important stuff, but yea...
What about one who is ALWAYS there for you?: *chuckles* Kiri? Yea.
Do you have a pair of big sunglasses?: Not big ones. Slim and just right.
Do you act random a lot or find that very immature?: Depending on the situation. I can get VERY random, but I know when to be mature about life.
Do girls just wanna have fun?: O_O' Uh... I love to have fun, but not in the way most girls do.
What do you prefer? Strawberry daqueris or pina coladas?: Strawberry Daquiris!!
Are you a very complex person?Is your life full of lessons, fun, and reason: Full of lessons, indeed!
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site __________
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.

I'd like to meet:

I have too big of a list to really worry about. _'________________________
What Zanpakutou Would You Have?
Hosted By Anime and Fandom


I listen to just about thing that fits my life, mood, or that stirs emotions, or that relates to me or my past.
What Darker Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.
What Outlaw Star Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.


I suppose any anime moves, natural disaster, action-adventure, and I suppose romantic stuff.
What Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.
What Angel Sanctuary Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.


Anything anime for sure.
What Sailor Scout Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.
What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.


Any and nearly ALL Manga, the Alanna series, the Cattini series by Anne McAffrie (sp?), Animorphs, Remnants, (both of which I haven't gotten my hands on in forever. *sighs*)by K.A.Applegate. And that's about it. I haven't truely read real books for years.Almost all manga. I don't read "real" books so much anymore.
What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.
What Vandread Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.


My step-dad. He's my father, and although he may be dead, I still look up to him.
What Hellsing Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.
What Gundam SEED Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.

My Blog

Some News!

Mood: Tired, Happy, Intuitive, Sore. Music: Anthem - BoomBoom Satellites (Appleseed Movie[1st])   Well, here's the GOOD news.I GOT THE JOB!! Orientation is on Sunday at 2pm PST. I'll be workin...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Wed, 14 May 2008 01:03:00 PST

A Good Weekend & Some Soul-Searching...

Mood: Chipper, Rested, Content. Music: Gone - Kelly Clarkson   Well, this weekend has been a good one. The family reunion was awesome. Sure, I felt uncomfortable at points, I did a lot of thin...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Sun, 11 May 2008 02:05:00 PST

Bad Turn Of Events.

Mood: Pissed, Annoyed, Disgusted. Music: Stand My Ground - Within Temptation There's been a bad turn of events. As far as living arrangements are concerned. That Harold guy I mentioned yesterd...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Fri, 09 May 2008 01:03:00 PST

Oh The Stupidity Of It All...

Mood: Pissed, Depressed, Anxious. Music: The Veronicas - Mouth Shut / Christina Augulera - Hurt   Fucking stupid childish blind fools. AGH! It’s pissin’ me off!!I donno how many...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:09:00 PST

Recent Events.

Mood: Stressed, Caged, Annoyed. Zzz. Music: Kotoko - Love A Riddle - Onegai Sensei Well, I got my license yesterday! That's about the only GOOD thing about this week.I have no RL friends her...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 08:14:00 PST


I'm going to Mississippi in two weeks and three days! I'll be resuming my online life fully once there! And learning how to drive and starting all over again! Can't wait!
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:11:00 PST


Mood: Stressed, Lost, Cold, Sore. Music: There's Gotta Be More To Life - Stacie Orrico Well, things have NOT been going well.I accomplished utterly nothing today other than finding out that I can't&nb...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 09:25:00 PST

Fuck This Life. Fuck This SHIT!!

Mood: Pissed, Fucking Pissed, Shit!Music: Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't FallI've HAD IT!Mom's right, I'm nothing but an undependable looser who can do fucking shit for herself. I'll never amou...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 05:28:00 PST

Something Off My Chest...

Mood: Quiet, Confused, Indifferent.Music: Danzai no Hana ~Guilty Sky~ - Kosaka Riyu - Claymore EDA friend and I had a falling out. The blame lies on me. And that's of my own choice. No fingers were po...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:47:00 PST


mood: Happy, Sore, Bouncy, Bored. music: U & UR Hand - Pink WEWT! Alright, I know it's been a while since I've updated, probably not as long as it felt, that much I can say.I just got a job to...
Posted by Two-Hands Revy on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:05:00 PST