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About Me

.. width="425" height="350" .. alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" target="_blank" 1. Gayblade A homosexual male.That gayblade over there thinks you're cute.2. Gayblade The name that ignorant fools like myself address Beyblade as...Hey, those nerds over there are playing Gayblade! I feel sorry for them...3. Gayblade A way that "different" (Fucked up, weird, retarted etc..) people say someone is Gay. Reffers to a person, not subject.(laugh) look at that Gayblade over there!! (luagh)1. gay blade Slang term for a flamboyantly gay man; a "flamer" as opposed to a normal gay manWhat is it about urinal s, especially those dark blue ones which tint the water around them a little, that makes men feel compelled to do everything they can to dissolve as close to the whole damn thing during a single washroom visit?Any other urinal configuration, and we pay little attention at all where the stream of pee goes, thinking instead about the typical array of bathroom wall graffiti literature, but put one of those dark blue pucks in there and suddenly it's like a mission, an obligation to God and country to tear the thing to pieces.And if a little piece of half-dissolved crumbles off, then the temptation to throw our arms in the air and shout triumphantly is almost too much to bear.a

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