My name is Cati. I live in Westfield. I have had a crazy life, but i think i turned out okay. I graduated in 2007. and i am still kind of up in the air with what i want to do with my life. Before i graduated it was like i knew everything i wanted for myself, but as time went on i realized i dont really know what i want to do. I have some of the most amazing people in my life..I can be crazy.but thats okay. I have serious trust issues. but as long as you dont lie to me we wont have any problems. i will fight to the death even if i know i am wrong about something. its pretty terrible but i am stubborn. ..i have learned that lying gets you no where. its better to be honest. I have the most amazing family. My cousin bianca is like my sister. i love her to death..I work with the mentally challenged and everyday is an adventure.. My ladies mean the world to me and i would totally take bullets for those girls. i am gulliable and a total sap. i love baseball. i played softball for seven years, up until i moved to westfield. I used to live in Wales, Mass. I miss everyone from over there.