Q-vole q rol a toda la gente, ya se la saben quien es...
Aqui su firme camarada Big Al X aka G-child. A los q me conocen ya saben q les mando todo mi amor y respeto...
A los q no, pues q-vole q rol preste esa vaisa.Si me conocen entonces conocen mi familia, a esas personas tan importantes en mi vida for which I would die for. Pero por orita vivo por ellos. You know who you are, los quiero un chingo!Soy una persona dedicada al trabajo y a darle a mi familia todo lo q se merece y mas! You'll catch me in my office anyday of the week from 7 am til midnight at times. What can I say I'm a workaholic y pues on free time I'm gettin in contact with the different artistas del Chuco Town.With the exception of mi familia, my two passions in this world is writing and Chicano/Mexicano rap call it what you want. Por esto if there's a presentation or any kind of show be sure that somewhere in all the gente I'll be around. I don't give 2 fucks bout fame n fortune porq I have all I need at home. Mi familia is my everything. I like getting to know the homies aka the artists as jus regular people and then I'll come into my page and write about them and their music and do my best to get everyone around to see what I see: Pure talento.I have to admit that some have become like family to me and I know I can call them if I need anything. Everyone else ya saben q aqui tienen su camarada whenever you need anything. For this I say gracias to the homies (all of you know who you are) I got luv and respeto for everyone in the 915 and other lugares. If you doin ur thing and you got the bangin joints, ya sabes q you're on my page or will be soon enough. So I ask you after you finish reading this to check the artists on my page. Add them, get their music, attend the shows.. Show sum of that firme luv.TO ALL THE HOMIE/CAMARADAS AKA THE ARTISTS:
Gracias for sharing your time and your musica conmigo. Plz believe that I'm forever grateful for all the luv shown and ya saben q I'm doin my lil part to keep spreading this Chuco Town Musica EVERYWHERE!!! To The Top Q No???Oh yea ya se la saben homies si estas haciendo tu jale y tienes esa firme musica para la gente... Get at me ya saben q aqui los espero con todo respeto y carino........Arre Pues!!La vida es muy corta para guardar rencores so no lo hare, a los q estuvieron en mi vida gracias por las memorias, a los q no la hicieron a mi presente, q Dios los bendiga y a los q me esperan en mi futuro.... Alli nos vemos...No se odiar so a todos los q me hicieron un mal, les deseo toda la felicidad del mundo, espero y esta vida les brinde todo lo q mas deseen y q siempre tengan lo mejor."La Sangre Nunca Muere!"Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!
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