My Blog
Freedom of Speech- - -G105
So, Bob, KY Kristen and Mike were all suspended until Mondayfor something they said about "indians" on April 1st. WHATEVER!!!! I thought America stood for freedom, freedom of lots of thing...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:30:00 GMT
Take the advise...its FREE!
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you must.3. Buy a TiVo (D...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:05:00 GMT
Life is short....
It is hard to grow up and realize everything doesn’t last forever, people do leave you, people you love with your entire being die....and, life goes on. It is always an "eye opener" for me...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 13:05:00 GMT
All I want for Christmas is a real good tan....
I don’t like winter time AT ALL!!!! Everyone acts like they can’t get out and do anything b/c it is cold, etc etc etc....they hibernate like bears....?!?!?!??! Why? What differ...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 06:06:00 GMT
Tis the season... be jolly and all that merry crap! So, why is it not okay for some people to not just love the holiday’s and Christmas??? I don’t!! That doesn’t make me the de...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 15:00:00 GMT
Helen Ward Tucker Beeson was born August 14, 1916 in Guilford County, daughter of the late Arthur Ward Sr. and Vera Pitts Ward. She was preceded in death by her husbands, the late Willi...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:20:00 GMT
Warranties: Waster or Saver?
So, I am "cheap" and don't like to pay for warranties, etc. b/c I think they are a wate of time and money! Well, I have recently changed my mind.
My car would not start on a Monday morning when ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 12:51:00 GMT
Beer vs. Liquor...what is the difference?
Okay, so what is the difference in drinking beer or liquor? Why is it that someone can drink beer all day long, and not want to hurt any one, get mad @ anyone, or anything of that nature, but th...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:35:00 GMT
Quotes, and such......
So, a "friend" wrote these quotes down for me, 'cause they are nice and I wanted to share w/ you.........hope you enjoy atleast one!! Let me know what you think! (NO STEALING!!) ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 09:40:00 GMT
Thanks to all.....and I am doing okay!
OK, so I have to give a premise before I start my shout outs; I had a left knee arthroscopy on Wednesday morning. I had some junk in my knee that was causing me some pain ait is now (hopef...
Posted by on Sun, 27 May 2007 17:20:00 GMT