Tim This That profile picture

Tim This That

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hardcore, pop punk, tattoos, cute girls, record collections, and kicks (both good times and sneakers).

Straight edge.

My Interests

"Turn on's"

-Nice teeth
-cute girls in glasses
-flaky white deoderant
-orange soda
-bagel chips
-sunny day real estate

"Turn off's"

-Airplane games
-Classic rock
-Bitch made's
-Bad teeth


At the drive in
Crime in stereo
Kid Dynamite
New found glory
the Movielife
Youth of today
In my eyes
Bitter end
On my side
Die young
Grave robbers
Hot water music
Down to nothing
Go it alone
Death is not Glamorous
Small brown bike


.. .. .. ..




Owen wilson (Circa: "You Me and Dupree")

My Blog

My way has only gotta work for me...

This is a Crime In Stereo song that I perfectly relate to. I honestly don't define success with your level of education. I refuse to criticize anyone for there choices to go to school, start a buisn...
Posted by Tim This That on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:55:00 PST

The way I see it 3

It's always really bothered me to hear all my life "I get it that you don't like (insert ultra trendy classic rock band here) but you have to respect them, there amazing!" It reminds me of that famil...
Posted by Tim This That on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:04:00 PST

T-shirt sale.

Hey guys, we have some t-shirts we're trying to sell to raise money for some new recordings for our upcoming release "Sidewalk slam". Hit me up anytime if you want one.Design by Dann Miller of the Jo...
Posted by Tim This That on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:53:00 PST

The way i see it 2

People! Stop beleiveing these fucking t.v. commercials. These weight loss commercials are taking over and it kills me. You used to be able to go to the store and buy a bad ass burritto called "The Dom...
Posted by Tim This That on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 07:09:00 PST

The way i see it 1

If a wing restaraunt opens in your neighborhood... you go. You give it a chance. Disregard the fact that is has a terrible name (Wild west wings). Discrimination is cruel and wrong and noone deserv...
Posted by Tim This That on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 03:38:00 PST

Here’s to boredom...

At the end of a friday night when i get home at 5 am, there's a few things to do before calling it a night. One being check the myspace. Everytime i do this, there's always like 15 bulletins by a bunc...
Posted by Tim This That on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:49:00 PST

Still straight after 21. Fuck all you punks!

Things i love-Straight edge hardcore-Beatin up some dorks-Jammin'Things i hate-Poser's-Non edgemen-Everything that does'nt have something to do with either straight edge or hardcore... -Tim This That...
Posted by Tim This That on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:00:00 PST

Sept. 13th Die young tour kick off

Posted by Tim This That on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 07:17:00 PST

Another trip to Austin.

just got back from austin for the 3rd time. you can read a little about it on our website. www.tlowtx.blogspot.com but heres a few pictures of the times we had just incase youre interested... go here ...
Posted by Tim This That on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 05:36:00 PST

aug 22nd

DEAD HEARTS (ferret records)SEVENTH STAR (facedown records)DAGGERMOUTH (smallman records, canada)T-LOW (this that records, houston tx)AUG. 22nd java jazz spring tx, 6 pm $10.00 ...
Posted by Tim This That on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST