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We're 2 music producers from south london. We like soul,funk,rnb, (a bit of grime). Been producing for about 3 years and thought its bout tym to show people our stuff. We're Christian. Dornik plays drums and Phil plays bass. At the moment we're looking to meet other producers in the business and listen to what they got to offer and jus learn as we grow.We use Logic 5 mainly but also use reason 3 and fruityloops. Both got working studios.Our game is forever improving and beats r gttin btta and btta so jus tryna get some exposure. Make sure u leave a comment on the page. Kool. Msn's coolsass@hotmail.com and dornikleigh@btinternet.comHold tite FLS aswell an up and coming grime group with some serious tunes (we produce 4 dem aswell) u can go on their myspace through our friends.Obviously we need feedback to know wot people tink of our music, so please leave any comments and feedback by addin us on msn or anytin. Good or bad criticsm is welcome coz its through our mistakes we become betta producers but 4 all u h8ers, u aint gta go home but u gta get da hell outta here.