Phizz/ Marchant LaCroix profile picture

Phizz/ Marchant LaCroix

The man, the legend and all that guff

About Me

Born in the lovely countryside county of Lancs this small village boy has grown up to live his life as a city bum at the moment. A kind, intelligent and some would say even a little naive young man, Phizz is liked by most people he meet ( or so he hopes: see previous comment about naivety) Currently unemployed even with a BSc. (Merit) in Aero Engineering he is doing an HNC in Admin and IT to pass the time while looking for that elusive job that will take him toward the dizzying heights of management and the money that will allow him to get a second degree in Astronautical Engineering.

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Myspace Layouts by / Artistic

My Interests

Classic books, Music, Computer (the gubbins and software), Languages, Rock Climbing and Rollerblading.


Christina Aguilera, System of a down, Texas, Garbage, Trance, Spandau Ballet, bit of everything really.


Event Horizon


Dr. Who and Simpsons. Don't watch too much tele these days.


A Sentimental Education by Gustav Flaubert, Catch 22 (Thanks fot the recommendation Julie), The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett (original and best)


My mum ( I know it sounds corny but it's true. I love my mummy)