...Mz.JeSeCaH... profile picture


..iM miSsiNg U aLreAdy..LiKe CraZee..da GoOd TyMez..da PaRTiEs..da LauGhs..da WoNdErS we MaKe..da He

About Me

..okay..so im bored..&& redoin this all ova again..Ha!!.. ..If you didn't already knOw..mY name is JessiCa..i cum from an immediate family of 5..momz..dad..jaysie..braddah..n..me..den.. decided to have an extension.. which brings my kidz..rite in..cayla n raco.. i livE in a faR away land..(cdfu).. in da country.. whEre u take..ExiT 8..&&..luv it out there.. 2 be moRe exact..HiDDen VaLLey EstateS..LmFaO!!..kehh.. i am full blooded SaMoAn..&&..prouD.. i've liVed all ovA diS isLand uv OaHu, Hi growin uP..den in da LuVLy isLanD uv SaMoa for aLmoSt 3..&& a half yeaRs..&&..i musT saY..WaS da BesT TimE uv mY liFe..ovA Le Ka'a..LoL..I am a CaThOLiC..2 da FuLLest..buT aLwayS LuV 2 LisTen 2 diFFereNt spEakers 4rM oTher churChes..luv aLL daT chRisTian MuSic..(i know..im a devil..but i still likE dat MuSiK)..i haiL frOm a bLoodLine uv FamiLeeS..daDs siDe..MaEa..TaViTa..ULuGia..MoMs siDe..SaLu..SeuMaLo..LemAu..TaSi..CarLoS..prouD 2 be apArT uV iT aLL..&&..deN suM..we Cum 4rm maNy pLacEs..(daDs siDe)..dey StraiGt ouT uv FaLenIu,am.SaMoa..VaiUsu..ViVa LaS VeGas..&&..L.A.2..LonG beaCh..(moMs sidE)..StRaiGht ouT uv VaiLoa,aM.SaMoa..Manu'A..&&..da MajoRiTy in FriSco..we cuM 4rM manY geNeraTioNz..movin forwaRd..i attendeD..LeILeHua..foR da 1st 3 yeaRs..deN deCidEd..2 go BacC 2 aiEa..weA i GraduaTed..pLayed sPorTs all thRouGhouT higH sChOol..&&..sTiLL do tiLL dis daY..u aLL proBably seeN me On da couRts or at a gYm sum wea..traiNin && repPin 808 2 da FuLLeSt..luv deM alMost LiKe faMiLee..i woRk 4 da saMe pLace..siNce aBouT 3..goIn on..4 yeaRs aGo..moneys noT reaLLy a ProBLem..buT..doNt geT iT twiStEd..iTs da BiLLs daT are da ProBLem..LoL..i've Owned my owN pLace siNce i wAs 20..&&..prOud daT i made the ChoiCe 2 inVest in sumThin'..i LiVe 2 pLeaSe nobody but mY LoRd..keIkiS..pArenTs..n den sum..caN't sTanD fAkE peepO..eSpEciaLLy weN deY trY 2 harD 2 breAk u..iTs LiKe..Cuz..try try again..sum oDa tYme..i have Many acquAinTanCes..buT verY LimIted FrenZ..n..deN..sum BeS fRenZ..couLd reLive my whoLe lifE aLL ovA agaIn..i luV da BeacH..plAyin' pooL..plaYin' SpoRts..&&..doin basicaLLy anything that requirEs a Good ChaLlenGe..if dis doesn't sum it all up 4 u about me..den shoot..i doNt evEn know wat moRe 2 teLL u..anyhow..haVe a GooD day..&&..aT leasT u can Say you've LearNed a Few thinGs 2dAy..Ha!!!..Luv Me!!

My Blog

..fake ass bitchez..

..don't you just hate it.. ..wen' dem bitchez talk to you..smile at you.. ..even kiss you hi..n dey all just so fake.. ..knowing damn well, dey just had a few words about you.. ..just before dey saw y...
Posted by ...Mz.JeSeCaH... on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 04:09:00 PST

...wHo ReaLLee LuVz U...

...do you ever really sit n wonder about the people who say they love you n think if they really really do?...sumtimes...i think to myself n wonder, who are my friends...who are my family...n who real...
Posted by ...Mz.JeSeCaH... on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:52:00 PST