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I love to hang out with friends, meet new people, drink a bunch of rum and coke (or whatever) and smoke a little. I love to laugh, its my favorite thing to do in the whole world. (even better than sex)
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I'd like to meet:
Huh, good question. Who would I like to meet? Not sure. I suppose I would love to meet any person who enjoys life and is not bitchy. My goal in life is to try to always be happy. I decided that when I decided to get divorced. Can't think of anyone I would like to meet right now. Besides Kid Rock.
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I love Eminem, Motley Fucking Crue, Skid Row, Luther Vandross is nice, Poison, Tupac, Chris Daughtry is hot, CCR, Madonna,old school stuff like guns and roses, LA Guns, Bon Jovi can be o.k., Kid Rock,Smoky Robinson,Gretchen Wilson, Greatful Dead (of course), Kiss, ya know, I could go on and on I just like all kinds of music.
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Dumb and Dumber makes me laugh everytime! I also thought Saw a was good and Hostel was crazy. Napoleon Dynamite was great. Polar Express was a great Christmas movie for the kids. Also, Home Alone makes me laugh every time too. Any movie that can make me laugh is awesome.
Starting in August I have to watch the "Lions" every week. I am the biggest Lions fan ever. (Besides John Ruff) Anything that can make me laugh, I'll watch. Maybe thats why I love the Lions. (just kidding)Also enjoying "The Deadliest Catch" on discovery channel right now. Been watching some Nascar (due to my new boyfriend likes it) Also, I must admit I will be watching Ellen if I am home when it is on. She is funny.
I have one book that I check into often. It tells you what your dreams mean.
My heros are all of my friends. My best friend Sue who lets me stay with her when I need her the most, and all of the others who have been there for me through all my recent tough times. I also have a new hero. His name is Drew. He has done SO much for me in the past months and I love him. I have never been in a relationship that is just so easy. We are perfect for each other. We laugh until we cry all the time.