pLaying baLL, ExtremE spOrtS, hangin' Out w/ friEnds... thE sAt CLUb grOup and my bAby aBby, pS2, watchin' DVDs w/ my giRL, PC, maLLing, shopping, ELEctrOnic gadgEts, coffEE @ staRbUcKs and coffEE bEan, dining, yELLoWcaB, cars… fOod… mObiLE phOnEs… mOrE… =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =) ;)...bUt my faVE hoBby is kiSsin’ and hUggin’ my bAby…;)
caSta LEticia,fErnanda TavarEs,hEidi kLum,uuuhm... aLL fEmaLE modeLs
rOcK,RnB,pOp,jaZz,sOuLfLy,kOrn,ragE,thE dOors,rEd hOt chiLi pEPpErs,nirVana,inCubus,sEpuLtura,mEttaLica,mudVaynE,stAtic X,mEgadEth,sEvEn duSt,LEnny kraVitz,dEftOnEs,siLvErchaiR, mOrE... ;)
Oprah sOmEtimEs, usuaLLy i'm stuCk on HBO...
i OnLy rEad mAGS... +++ FHM +++ and aLL thOse "fOr thE bOys OnLy MAGS"