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If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library? - Lily Tomlin

About Me

.. Click Here for Free MySpace Layouts .. I'm married with 2 kids, I was lucky enough to get one of each. My husband Todd and I just relocated to Madison so I could continue to go to school at Dakota State. I must be a glutton for punishment, but you do what you can to try and succeed in life. I am a licensed cosmetologist, but I've decided that 15 years is long enough for that career and I'm trying for a new one. I'm going to try and protect people's computer networks or even try to do some computer forensics. It sounds really cool, but I haven't taken those classes yet that will be next year.

My Interests

I have a variety of interests including Music, TV, Movies, reading, hanging out with my kids and having fun.

I'd like to meet:

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I like all kinds. If it has a good dance beat I'm all for it!


Give me a good comedy, drama or action packed movie any day.


My all time favorites TV shows are Buffy, Angel and Charmed. Of course now they are all off the air except for syndication, so I'm looking for some new shows.


I like all kinds of books. My favorite authors include: Laurell K Hamilton, Nora Roberts, J.K. Rowling, J.R. Ward, and Terry Goodkind; but I'll read almost anything. Mysteries, fantasy, vampires, magic, and romances are the types of books I read.


Right now my heroes are all the people in the world who have ever smoked and successfully quit and all of the people who have battled against obesity and are succeeding or did succeed in the battle. Kudo's to you all!!