Since August 2008 I rekindled my career by becoming a trainer with Loaf 'N Jug. I enjoyed my time as an Air Force instructor so it seemed a good career move. Working in the store a couple times a week is wonderful live experience for enhancing my customer service skills. Besides, it gives me time to write.
I love writing. Since last July 2008 I completed four feature length screenplays. My friend Nate and I are collaborating on a film that he hopes to shoot for the Indie Film Festival circuit. What do I enjoy about writing? Each successive offering is and should be better than the previous. I could complain that it took me a LONG time to find the answers to "what do I want to be when I grow up," but I would have missed out on so much self-discovery.
I lost 30 pounds about a year ago. Ever since I have disciplined myself to lifting weights, exercise, walking or running. This has done wonders for my thinking and body. I never thought I had time to do exercise. I am currently on a three month routine called the Men's Fitness Rock Hard Challenge. I used to wonder how I could do this I wonder how I cannot.
MySpace disabled the widget. The music industry is going to have to come up with a better solution to digital age music availability if they want to survive. Threats of legal action and bullyism are not going to win them fans or loyalists.