kram profile picture


i couldnt repair the brakes.. so i made the horn louder

About Me

he goes by the name of mark, some claim he is a man of four letters, but i see me as just him who is of well-being, so it is with little redundents, that i present him, who is me, as mark, (he told me to say that) and that is who he is KRAMBO - 2003

My other websites include:
my flickr page !!KRAMBOS LINK 4 THE MONTH!!--------

My Interests

amodinethiconetriphosphate deodorant cans and fire Constitutional history of the Australian legal system c h i c k s Distributional enterprises third world nations Tanya from who dares wins traffic lights algebraic equations ping pong and spicy noodles section two of the report which examines four case studies of significant ACCC cartel enforcement actions in detail using empirical evidence from interviews with staff lawyers and business people involved in each case

I'd like to meet:

Tanya from who dares wins
Ricky Gervais from the Office
Corrine Grant from glass house
the guy who does that voice for the Mr Bankrupts commercial
Shapelle Corby
My next door neighbour who never seems to be home
Jim from The Royles
The worlds funniest person
An Eskimo

The Morning after, we all hungover

!!Tommo's extreme Ironing!!

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Sydney: what to do when the thumb rings are pulled off an unopened can of beam (i have a slight slur lol)

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bring back the GOBBLEDOK of the 80's! wat a creepy monster!


Ministry of Sound Mashed Sessions live mixed by Sucker DJ featuring 'tonite only', that was fantastic!!! now im deaf and cant listen to music anymore


many people will attest to my lack of movie culture, however i still really love watching those ol' 70's classics like clint eastwood and Charles Bronson, and Blues Brothers


hey, this has nothing to do with Television, but i thought it was really cool so just shoved it in here, check out this website Its soooo funny f


Dan Brown - Deception Point!!! best book i read coz im not a big reader


Best Pickup line ever, as voted by Krambo! "Hey, how ya doin!? my friends over there bet me $10 each that i couldnt talk to the prettiest girl in the room..... so how would you like to go buy some drinks at the bar with their money?"

My Blog


i discovered something the other day, if you take a mouth full of ice cubes, then stick a handfull of maccas chips in your mouth. its actually really bad, its like a tantellising contrast between hot ...
Posted by kram on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 04:11:00 PST

nothing special

Finally my cast is off, im cheerin coz now i can go back to work, lol... although i will dearly miss my beloved sleepins! Yes! no more of having to tell people how i broke my wrist (stupid arcade mach...
Posted by kram on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:45:00 PST

myspace finally my own

woohoo, my first blog on myspace, b4 this i was using windows live spaces, but i dunno nobody was really lookin at it. Well today i was supposed to have my cast taken off my wrist, but the doctor wasn...
Posted by kram on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 05:22:00 PST