Watching and making movies. I'm a photoshop junky. I would like running and reading, but I rarely make the time for it. I like to listen to people's stories, and may incorporate them into a movie someday so be careful with what you tell me.
Lot's of people.
I listen to all types of music, but look more out of place listening to some music compared to others. Here is some rocking, gregorian chant thats a bunch of fun.
Masters of Chant
Inspirational: Beautiful Mind, Grand Canyon, Dark City, Spider Man, Pursuit of Happyness, and Big Fish. Nostalgic: Big Trouble in Little China, Buckaroo Bonzai, Tremors, and Goonies. Artistic Genius: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sin City, Once Upon a Time in the West, and Halo 1 & 2 (I have to give kudo's to this game somewhere). Action: Tombstone, Jurassic Park, and Last Action Hero. Animation: Aladdin, Appleseed, Animatrix, and Fantasia. Comedy: Bruce Almighty, Napoleon Dynamite, Evolution, and Major Paine. Christmas: Trapped in Paradise, The Ref, Scrooged, and White Christmas. Other The Princes Bride, Much Ado About Nothing, and 10 Things I Hate About You. Directors: Robert Rodriguez, Tim Burton, and Ron Howard. I'm sure I'll be adding to the list...
I used to read Michael Crichton and Tony Hillerman books. The most memorable reads for me beyond these authors are: Crime and Punishment, The Day the Pig Died, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Iron Tower Trilogy, and Calvin And Hobbs.