I'm a thirty-ish guy living in Florida. I'm very much into film, with a DVD collection that tops 3500 regular films. I also love music even though I can't play a note. In school, I didn't have time to read anything outside the cirrculum, so I made a promise to myself that once I graduated, I would always be reading something. Hence, I tend to go through books at a steady clip. Genres I like in all kinds of art are pretty diverse. In film, I can watch an artsy film from fifty years ago just as soon as I watch B-movie schlock new to the market. I'm a bit of a horror junkie, if I have to be honest though. For music, I'm not willing to dismiss any genres, even though I can't stand anything that feels pre-screened and re-processed to the point of saccharine emptiness. Hence, no AMERICAN IDOL. I read fiction and non-fiction and can go from reading Steinbeck to a cheap pulp novel, from an adult star's autobiography to DON QUIXOTE (all examples of stuff I've read this year).
I am currently wasting away in the retail world, but have worked in the past in film, video and television broadcasting. I worked for a cable news station for a few years, before being laid off. I have not yet returned to the world of mainstream hard news, because I was burnt out and disturbed by the sensationalism that seemed to be embraced there. I am currently looking at good prospects and expect to be able to find something that pays decently and doesn't make me crazy sometime soon.
My politics and beliefs are very liberal and I'm not afraid to say it. I try to be a decent person and treat people with respect.
I have no kids, but have my hands full with a very active dog - a black lab mix named Mystery. For short, I call her Misty, or her official family name, Misty Mundae Davis.
In my spare time, I write. I was editor of the website, Horror Express and served as a contributing writer to CultCuts .