About Me
she loves
[♥] her friiends
[♥] her famiily
[♥] the ciity
[♥] her phone
[♥] kisserisation of the forehead
[♥] sleeping when iits raiiniin outsiide)
[♥] coke zero
[♥] trackies
[♥] her thurman
she does not love
<[b>x] the C word lol
<[b>x] people fuckiing wiith her head
<[b>x] beiing called a biimbo
<[b>x] sayiing goodbye
<[b>x] miissiing iimportant ppl
<[b>x] déjà vu
<[b>x] mosquiitos
i am a sympathetic crier - you cry, i cry. i have trouble letting go of things that i believe should really be held onto. i want a tattoo. i love alcohol – generally the effects more than the taste. i love my sisters, they are fabulous. i always want what i cant have. i get bitten by mosquitos an abnormal amount. i think its disgusting/soo funny when people say "erbs" instead of herbs... hah. i love g.j.l. i dont like drugs. im gullible. this is random, so maybe im also random. i am just bianca♥jade.. if u dont like me please feel free to move ur cursor to the top right hand corner of the page and click [x] so that this will no longer be an issue =] thanks. be good kidlings xx
Take The Good Wiith The Bad
Smiile Wiith The Sad
Love What You've GoT
Remember What You had...
R.i.P dee.ee always♥you.