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About Me

My name is Paul Latham. I was born on July 21, 1988, son of David and Karen Latham at St. Joseph Hospital in Bellingham Washington. I've lived here in Bellingham my whole life, and have been able to watch the city grow up with me. I love this place, and have no plans of leaving in the near future. Someday, probably. But for now I couldn't ask for a better place to live. Right now I'm living in a condo on the southside with a friend. I am a nice guy and like to think that anybody who really knows me would agree. I can get along with just about anyone, and I have some amazing friends. On the other hand, I'll only take so much shit from someone before I'm done. I have had a bad habit of changing for people in the past, and that's something I'm trying really hard to break. I've realized that it just doesn't work. I can only fool myself for so long. For a career, I'm working as a recording engineer at Binary Recording Studios. I record bands, rappers, audio for films and documentaries, and anyone who wants their voice or music "immortalized." I love my job and get to meet all kinds of great people, and I am just hoping as hard as i can that it will pan out into a successful career. All I want is a decent living, enough to support myself and any family I may or may not have in the future. I believe in an honest living and the rewards of hard work. My dream is to one day own my own professional studio. I play music as well. I have played in some bands, and hope to start another one soon. In the meantime, I write and record songs for fun. My musical tastes run across most all genres, and I am very open minded when it comes to music, and most everything else. My life philosophy is all about balance and moderation. Without pain, there is no pleasure, without work, there is no fun, etc... I hope anyone who reads this has learned something about me. My AIM screen name is McJaggerDagger if you want to talk.
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My Interests

Music, skating, partying, recording.