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About Me

i am an over the road truck driver, i like the outdoors and traveling, i like music and going to concerts, i like to ride harleys and going to bike rallies.......more later If you send me any type of mail please be patient as I only get online when I come home from the road and that is usually once a month sometimes longer. I will reply as soon as I get it.
MyHotComments What Kind of Dolphin are You?
You're a Killer Whale! Orcinus orcas inhabit the chillier waters of the north, and are the most feared of all the dolphins. Incorrectly called whales, people tend to forget that Orcas are actually dolphins, due to their size. Originally classified by Linneaus as Dephinus orca - 'demon dolphin,' you prey on just about anything around you, including seals, dugong, and other dolphins. Your hunting methods with your close-kint pod are not unlike those of wolves, and you form bonds tight enough to even have your own form of communication with your group. No wonder you're named "Killer!"
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My Interests

music, wish i could play an instrument but i cant, harleys, and going to bike rallies, travel to different countries, and meeting new friends

Myspace Layouts

MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Ozzy and family, Leah Remini, all my friends on here, ans my sister that i havent seen for over 25 years


i like different types of music, mainly rock, but some country, blues, i mainly like music by ozzy, metallica, def leppard, eagles, iron maiden, poison, white snake, guns and roses, aerosmith, and to many others to list here
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most action adventure movies and most comedies, dances with wolves, top gun, son in law, school of rock,
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King of Queens, CSI all of them, Law and order, Friends, music videos due to my job i really dont watch much t.v., orange county chopper
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dont read much, mostly magazines like easyriders, outlaw biker, iron horse, and tattoo magazines
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God, my Mom, my Son, Geraldine and Preston Dooley, Gertrude and Arthur Ellison, and for sure all of our SOLDIERS
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