Allow me To Re-introduce Myself, My name is Esther I was born in 1986..I have been living for 21 years. I love people... To me, life is about, having a good time, pleasing God nd Loving ur neighbors. I believe in family and friendships, my friends and family do make a difference in my life... I believe in LOVE, i think everybody deserves to be loved. I love all those who love me, even more. I don.."t believe love should be used to hurt people.."s feelings... I believe in GIRLS Power, we don.."t need men to boss us around, I respect all my girls who don.."t take any bullshits from niggas, b/c they know their worth and what they deserve. Lets have a good time ladies and gentlemen. feel free to holla at me for any questions bout me.. i.."M all ReaL!The iNteRest: I enjoy da Movies, dancing, watchin others dance, music, text or talk to my friends, nights out... The MovieS: THE ONES I PLAY IN, AND I.."M USUALLY THE MAIN ACTRESS. WANNA BE IN MY MOVIES? seriously y.."all i am a tyler perry fan all de wayy The ShowS: Desperate housewives, Fresh Prince (da best show) Heroes: Those who have the power to dry tears from my Eyes And put a smile on my face.