A different survey!!
Name: Canning
Any nicknames? Honey C, Honey Bun, Baby, Smiles, Ci-Ci
Thing that you just couldn't live without: My Family And Friends
If you were a spice, you'd be: Cajun Pepper Because It's Just As Hott As I am.
What you put on your hamburger: Lettuce, Tomatoe, Cheese, Ketchup, Mayo, And Just A Lil Mustard
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
If you could change your name it'd be: Star
Something you say to much: Hey Boo
If you weren't American, you'd be: No One
If you were exiled from America you'd go to...? The Beautiful Thailand
Best movie ever made: The Color Purple
Signature color/item/saying (pick one or all)? Light Green, Gold Chain, To Be,Are Not To Be That Is The Question
What would you do with a million dollars? Take Care Of All My Family And Friends
Have you met a celeb? Who? Yes. Mary J. Blige
It irritates me when people: Brag On Themselves
Any hobbies? Singing, Writing Poetry, Swimming, Camping, And Watching T.V.
...actor? Denzel Washington
...actress? Hallie Berry
...animal? Dogs
...food? Home Cooked Meals
...place to shop? Wal-Mart, Mall's
...guilty pleasure? Loving People To Hard
...dessert? Ice Cream And Pecan Pie
...holiday dish? Cornbread Dressing
...shampoo? Garnier Fructis
...artist? Mary J. Blige
...subject? American History
...website? Mary J. Blige Official Site
...sport? Baseball
...sports team? No Certain One
...drink? Hypnotique
...city? Bangock
...magazine? Vibe
...brand/designer? Sean John
...drink from Starbucks? Sweet Caramel Frappicinno
...thing to do on a Friday night? Club at "Utopia" In New Orleans On Burban Street
...way to relax? Nice Full Body Massage
A few more questions...
Lifetime dream? To Become Know To The World
Car you wish you drove? The Nissan Altima
Something you wish you could do? Lose 20lbs In 3 weeks
Scariest moment you've ever had? Being So Sick To The Point Where I Thought That I Was Dying
AIM or MSN messenger? AIM
Faith is... To Me I Think That Faith Is Empowerment Because Faith Is Also Another Word For Belief!
Do you sing? Yes
Ipods unite or Ipods stink? Ipods Unite
Is the glass half empty or half full? Half Empty
Tatoos? No, Going To Get One
Piercings? Yes
Orange juice with or without pulp? Without Pulp
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
What makes you blush? Flirting With Someone Special
Embarassing moment? Having A Bald Head
Christina or Britney? Christina All The Way
Your friends would describe you as: Crazy, Loving, Honest, And Respectful
Last word you said? Let's Do It!
How many languages do you speak? 2