Are your parents married or divorced?: MMmmarried
Are you a vegetarian?: Not a snowball chance in hell
Do you believe in Heaven?: Unfortunately no.
Have you ever come close to dying?: Yes, fell thrue ice
once, and got stuck in the
water under the ice
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Nipple barbell, junk
barbell, nose
Are you eating?: Right now? No, but ask me again 10
minutes from now
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: If i were to eat
broccoli, i doubt that i would
eat the stems
Do you wear makeup?: Haha, ummm no
Would you ever have plastic surgery?: Hmm.... Maybe if my
face got smashed up pretty good
What do you wear to bed?: Boxer briefs
Have you ever done anything illegal?: Yes, am I going to talk about it on here? No
Can you roll your tongue?: No maam
Do you believe in Abortions?: I believe that its up to whoever is in that situation
What is your Hair color?: Dirty Blonde
Future child's name, boy and girl?: I like Aurora for gurl, and Jayden for boy
Do you smoke?: No maam
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?: Probably back to south america
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No maam
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: Buy a house, and a dog for the house
Gold or Silver?: White gold
Hamburger or hot dog?: Hamburger
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: Its a toss up between chicken and pizza
City, beach or country?: Country or beach
What was the last thing you touched?: Hairball, one of my cats
Where did you eat last?: In my kitchen
When's the last time you cried?: When my last cat died, quite a while ago
Do you read blogs?: Nope
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: Did for haloween once, never again
Ever been involved with the police?: Involved yes, charged no
What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?: Joico, mmmmm
Do you talk in your sleep?: Oh hellllls yes i do
Ocean or pool?: Pool
What's your favorite song at the moment: Apoligize by Timbaland
Have you ever had a cavity? :( yes....
Window seat or aisle seats?: Aisle seats for sure, im a tall guy
Ever met anyone famous?: No, almost walked into Jerry Seinfeld in Vegas though
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?: Gettin there
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Dont eat pasta. If i did, i would twirl it
What is your favorite sport to play?: Tennis
Basketball or football?: Football
When was the last time you went to the bathroom?: 2-3 weeks ago
Do you drive a stick?: Drove auto, car status = stolen
Are you self-conscious?: Not usually
Have you ever given money to a bum?: Ofcourse, only if they're a cute bum though
Have you been in love?: Yes maam
Where do you wish you were?: Sumwhere in the U.S of A
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?: Yes, twice
Can you tango?: Never tried, so.... no
Last thing you spent lots of money on?: A pair of headphones
Where do you live?: Kelowna
Last wedding attended?: Never been
Favorite restaurant?: Kelly Obryans
What is your favorite kind of car?: Skyline
Can you sing?: I'd like to think i can, atleast when knowone is around
Person on your mind?: Lisa
What's your least favorite chore(s): Cleaning
Favorite drink?: Milk, no questions asked
How long was your longest drive in a car?: 18 hours