Reading, kissing, writing erotica & poetry, chasing silly boys, vintage pin-up memoriabilia, working, and buying way too many purses (47 & counting..)
Witty, open-minded & who smells better than my roomates!
Sublime, Fiona Apple, David Bowie, The Mallrats, Coldplay, The Skirts, Bif Naked, Bad Religion, Duran Duran, Missy Elliot Radiohead, The Riff Randels, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Belle & Sebation, Iggy Pop, The Groovie Ghoulies, Bob Marley, Reggie and the Full Effect, Milhouse, NIN, Beastie Boys, Green Day, Ludacris, AFI, Rage Against The Machine, on & on...
Gia, Dogma, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, can't think of anything else... Oh, porn! Gotta love that!
The Body Snatcher, Suicide Blond, Belinda, Memiors of a Geisha, Tess, Of Mice and Men, Porno, Reviving Sleeping Beauty, Orange/Apple, The Joy of Sex 2...