Miracle profile picture


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About Me

?Well 1st Off my name is Miracle??I'm 20 Years Young??My hubby is Mark Wesley Bellamy??Our baby's names are Mckenzie, Alyssa, & Josiah??I absloutely LOVE bein a mommy!!!??My favorite color ever is Hot Pink??Miss Miranda Crabtree and miss Racheal Laster are my best friends!!!??I absolutely can't live with out them ??My moma is definetly better than yours??I absolutely LOVE La Carreta,it's the best food ever!!!??I would die with out it??I love my family their awesome!!!??I LOVE goin Shoppin??I love goin out with my girlz??Me and my girlz are hotter than u!!!??I love to get flowers??So remember that and damn it send me some??I really hate immature people??They need to like...die??I pretty much regret most of the guys I dated??I'm sensitive... so dont say nothin mean or i'll punch u in the face??I am absolutely scared shitless of scary movies ??I LOVE puzzles??I have 2 neices ??Racheal Laster is truly the only one that understands me??Me and her are NUTS... i guess thats y we understand each other??Well I guess thats about it?? Love ya *~mwah~* ?? ~*~ mIrAcLe ~*~ ?Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts *byAlecia* Myspace Layouts
A-Z In many different categories
A-Z in things about yourself
A: are you Anorexic: **nope**
B: who's your Best friend: **racheal laster**
C: can you do a Cartwheel: **yeah but it would prob hurt**
D: do you have a Dog: **not of my own yet**
E: do you like to Eat: **yes i love it**
F: how many Friends do you have: **haha not 2 many**
G: are you Goth: **HELL NO**
H: any bad Habits: **umm not that i know of**
I: do you like being Ignored: **hell na**
J: can you Jump high: **lol i dont think so**
K: do you like flying Kites: **yeah**
L: how do you Lay when you sleep: **on my belly**
M: what Music do you listen to: **rap and r&b**
N: do you have a big Nose: **na a lil one**
O: could you say that your Odd: **uhh yeah everyone is in their own way**
P: are you a nice Person: **yes i am**
Q: have you ever sowed a Quilt: **haha nope**
R: ever seen a Rainbow: **yeah alot i love em**
S: what State do you live in: **tennessee**
T: do you know how to Text: **yeah but im slow cuz i dont do it often**
U: do you own an Umbrella: **haha no i need 2 get 1 tho**
V: do you like the scent of Violets: **yeah i guess**
W: isn't Wal-mart awesome?: **y yes it is**
X: ever had a X-ray: **yeah**
Y: is your Yard big: **lol no not at all**
Z: have you ever seen a Zebra: **yeah @ the zoo**
A-Z of your Favorites
A: Animal: **penguin**
B: Band: **nickelback**
C: Color: **pink**
D: Drink: **coke**
E: Eye color: **hazel**
F: Fruit: **strawberry**
G: Game: **halo3 even tho i sux**
H: Hair color: **blonde**
I: Ice-Cream Flavor: **cookies n cream**
J: Jelly Flavor: **strawberry**
K: Kitten Color: **calico**
L: Lollipop Flavor: **sour apple**
M: Music Type: **rap**
N: Number: **64**
O: Odd thing: **?? dk**
P: disney Princess: **belle**
Q: Quilt color..:/: **pastel pink?**
R: Rainbow color: **purple**
S: Sport: **football**
T: TV Show: **i luv new york 2**
U: Underwear Type: **4 me boy shorts**
V: Value: **we still have those?**
W: Work Tool: **hammer**
X: X-ray type: **haha i dk**
Y: Yellow thing: **rubber duckies**
Z: Zipper up clothes: **sip up jackets**
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Peices of shit!!

ok well its about 11 pm on saturday nite and a certin someone is watchin my 2 girls well come 2 find out insnt really watchin em out partyin or something..thats really fuckin sad i mean "he"...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 22:46:00 GMT