More praise in 2008!!!! profile picture

More praise in 2008!!!!

Please be patient with me because god is not through with me yet

About Me

Top Friends Awards
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Top Friends Awards
Directions: Look at your top friends.
You may have to do a little digging to find some of these answers.
First off... How many friends do you have?: Too many
Shortest friend?: Cathy, She is about my height
Tallest friend?: A.J
Weirdest?: Cathy I love you dearly but HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU NOT EAT GREENS
Most popular?: Hmmmmmm
Quietest?: Ray
Loudest?: A.J.
Dirtiest (Most Pervy)?: Hmmmmmmm
Most creative?: Ray
Slowest friend?: Hmmm
Smartest friend?: Ray
Creepiest friend?: Hmmmmm
Hottest friend?: Hmmmmm
Craziest friend?: Every one of them that's why I love them so much
Bitchiest friend?: Hmmmm
Nicest friend?: Shirley
Best female friend...?: Cathy
Best male friend...?: Ray
Most Likey...
To end up in jail?: Hmmm
To be the next Britney/Paris/Lindsay: Hmmmmm
To be a rockstar?: Hmmmmmm
To end up on the Oprah Winfrey show?: Hmmmm
To end up in a mental institution?: Cathy, because I am her bestie... (LOL)
To succeed?: Ray
To be a family person?: A few of them already are
To be a world leader?: Hmmmm
To be married a bunch of times?: Hmmmm
To be a model?: Hmmmmm
Default pic?: It's a toss up between cathy ray, shirley, and wendell
Layout?: Shirley
Profile song?: I dont know
Blogs?: I dont know
About me?: Hmmmm
Smile?: Ray
Taste in music?: Everybody likes whatever they like
Personality?: Ray
Pictures?: Cathy
Style in clothes?: Ray
Musician?: Ray
Hair?: Shirley
Headline?: I dont know
Status?: I dont know
Eyes?: I dont know
Name?: I dont know
Myspace name?: Me, Because It means just what it says Great praise
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I'd like to meet:

The Year That Was 2007
age turned this year?: 22
best memory?: Getting to know jesus some more....but please be patient with me because god is not through with me yet
worst memory?: During all those times when the enemy had me cornered
did you stay in a relationship?: Not really
great people you met?: Too many
longest road trip?: Florida
best place visited?: Florida
worst place visited?: The hospital
earned any new names?: No
biggest challenge this year?: To go to college
how many moving violations?: NNone
how many parking tickets did you get?: None
how many subjects did you take?: None until I go to college
what were your grades?: N/A
did you moon a cop?: That's just nasty
new best friend?: I dont have any new best friends
person you wish you became closer to?: Nobody
any awards?: Volunteer recognition at Greenwood Elementary
did you sleep through your alarm?: Sometimes
did you lose or gain weight?: A little of both
did you break any bones this year?: I popped my thumb alot
sports played?: None
what do you hope for 2008?: That I dont have to spend as much time going through all that I went through in 2007
new love for food?: Not really
kiss anyone?: No
dance in the rain?: No
have you change?: No
how was your birthday?: It was cool I spent it with my bestie/sister
any snow this year?: Yea a little
did you lose any family members?: No
did you disappoint anyone close?: I probally did
did you sleep under the stars?: No
pretend to be happy?: Sometime just to keep from having to answer a lot of questions
did you keep your new years resolution?: Not really
did you leave the country?: No
are you moving in the new year?: No
did you lose anything expensive?: My cell phone one time and then my class ring another time
learn anything new about youreslf?: That I can not spend time pleasing everybody
found out who your true friends were?: YES
made a change in your life?: Somewhat
did you stay up til sunrise?: A couple of times
do anything you regret?: Yes
go to any parties?: Not like that
make much money?: Some
did you keep your job?: I dont work
did you attend a funeral?: Yes
gain any new family members?: Yes
get a new car?: No
develop any health problems: No
end up in hospital?: Quite a few times
attend a concert?: No
travel out of state?: No
read any books?: Yes
sign up to facebook?: Yes
eat anything that you never had before?: No
did anyone develop feelings for you?: No
attend church?: Yes
favourite day of the year?: Sunday's
leas favourite day of the year?: Monday's
was 2007 a great year, an average year or a bad year?: Average
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First and foremost JESUS CHRIST who was is and always will be the head of my life.My father figures, and ray because he is a TRUE inspiration.

My Blog

The Season

To EVERYTHING there is a season a time and purpose under the heavens: As we enter this season of Christmas, The hustle and bustle and the rush to find that perfect gift for that perfect someone. And f...
Posted by More praise in 2008!!!! on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 10:08:00 PST

Thinking about stuff

As I sit here I begin to think about everything that has gone on in 2007.. And I am determined NOT to take that stuff into 2008, so I am praying that god help me to make it. I've cried so much I am al...
Posted by More praise in 2008!!!! on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:59:00 PST

Washington high School

Repost this within 5 Minutes if you truly love god. And a miracle will happen @ midnight.   P.S. DON'T IGNORE you never know when god is testing you!!!!!! Repost this with the name of your school...
Posted by More praise in 2008!!!! on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:23:00 PST

whos my baby

tell me who is my baby and then re post this and see who is yours its fun to see how many real friends you have
Posted by More praise in 2008!!!! on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 07:25:00 PST