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Heaven Zero

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. - Picasso

About Me

Hi. I waddle. I am half flip, half canuck. Canadien français, to be exact. I like food, especially noodles, brainless fighting movies, Red Sox, martial arts, medieval weapons and travel. I listen to gangsta rap and death metal and often eat with my hands when no one is looking.

When we're young, we try to act older. When we're older, we try to act young.

More Fun Stuff? Check this out: http://www.heavenzero.com/

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Tupac

My Interests

Red Sox, martial arts, love AM radio, AM news, AM baseball, good conversations, cooking, culture, tattoos and gadgets.

I'd like to meet:

Manny Ramirez and Tupac. And Chico Suave.

These lyrics made me think when I was young.

'The Death Of Innocence' Dark Angel 1990

My imbalanced mind is unaccepted by society, My life is ruled by urges - sickened impropriety. In this day and age, strangely enough, some factions remain blind, To my manipulation of a puerile kind.

Their impressionable minds cannot tell wrong from right, A degenerate, I am an immoral blight. Upon the attitudes of "Unliberated" souls, I'm sick I know, I'm sick I know!

As a lower form of life with a psychotic rage, That's identified intensified against underaged. They have no fear yet to share what is theirs, In act of love intended for their older years.

I crawl into their brains, they love me more each day, They're old enough to know, I don't care what you say. They're old enough to love, I don't care what you say, Aren't they? Aren't they?!?!

I beg not forgiveness, just a cure for this sickness, As it stands now, there's no hope in sight. My brain is filled with degradation, tormenting excruciation, Decadence is ruling my life. Bloodless lambs' purity lost, victims of my holocaust, My unclean hands defile without reason. More sinned than sinning, anguished memories just beginning, When thoughts turn upon this bitter season.

A rapist of naivete, a killer of virginity, I stand for the death of innocence!!! Young bodies cannot stand the pain, I'm torturing their little brains, I am the death of innocence! Only sickened filth, disgusting scum, Would do the appalling deeds I've done, Crushing with psychotic malevolence! I can't control my gross addiction, Feeding mental pain infliction, Fall to the death of innocence!

Ostracized by my peers in my formative years, I've grown up craving unconditional love. That's why I've turned to my friends with our illegal, illicit trysts, They'll only understand me if they're young.

God, I can't believe I'm scarring their young lives for all time, Not only bodies but their sweet, chaste, virginal minds. I'm more than willing to, if caught, let death be my fine, Someone catch me, I deserve to die!!!

Somebody please stop or kill me! My actions must be stopped before I strike again. Before, I didn't care what I was doing, But now I know I am an aberration.

Demented brain keeping youthful slaves, I'm a man obsessed, committing mentacide. Sending innocence to its grave, Standing at the coffin, set to eulogize.

A rapist of naivete, a killer of virginity, I stand for the death of innocence!!! They cannot understand the shame The torture of their little brains, I am the death of innocence! Only sickened filth, disgusting scum, Would do the appalling deeds I've done, Crushing with psychotic malevolence! I can't control my gross addiction, Feeding mental pain infliction, Fall to the death of innocence!


Metal and Hip Hop: Suffocation, Entombed, Fear Factory, Morbid Angel - Tupac, N.W.A., Chingy, Grandmaster Flash. I think I associate more closely with 17 year olds. I need fast, loud, raw, machine-gun type of music... it relaxes me.


Action, Historical, Adventure, Zombies, Shoot-em up, Kung Fu: 28 Days Later, LOTRs, Shawn of the Dead, Clash of the Titans, Hero, Excalibur, Iron Monkey.


News, NECN, Sports, more news. Cooking and History channel is great.


I lost the book I was reading.


My kung fu instructor

My Blog

Dear Hannibal

December 20th, 218 B.C. Hannibal the GreatRuler of CarthageCarthaginian Army386 Osirus AvenueCarthage, North Africa 93022 Dear Hannibal, Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job s...
Posted by Heaven Zero on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:19:00 PST

Karl Plissken

The year is 1986. Dorchester has been turned into a maximum security prison colony, when the American crime rates grows high. The City of Dorchester is surrounded by a wall and the bridge is mined mak...
Posted by Heaven Zero on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:01:00 PST

Bathroom Imperialism

It began over a decade ago. I had the full intention to not just introduce but instinctually allow my decoral tastes describe and adorn our bathroom. I envisioned different shades of whites color...
Posted by Heaven Zero on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:43:00 PST