Rachel Hood! >.< profile picture

Rachel Hood! >.<

Put the girl in a pretty cage

About Me

I make a lot of sound effects
I am VERY gullible
I think about stupid things all the time
I make stories up about customers at work in my head
I have a squeekyish voice
I cant sit still for more than 5 mins
I like to dance like a tit
I love eyeliner
I talk to myself out loud
I think its great when u see people singing away to themselves in their car or picking their nose it makes me smile
I have been humming the James Bond tune forever =(
I don't like to sleep alone
I wear baggy pants and black this doesnt mean I'm a GOFF
One side of my bed is haunted
I had a "pet" gold tooth when I was little(r)
I scare myself walking up the stairs in the dark imagining someone is gonna grab my ankle
I am open minded
I HATE speaking on the phone
My hairs usually a mess cos I can't help cutting it
I'm shy and self-conscious with people I don't know
I like most music
I like no.. I LOVE to read
I think porns funny
I'm lazy
I like to wear tutu skirts
I like to sleep in the afternoons or I turn into a moody child ^.^
Im not a morning person
I play computer games
I am a geek.
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Music, Art, Drawing, sleeping, going to good gigs, films....



Black books,The young ones, American dad, Fututama, red dwarf, monkey dust, Lost, little britain, teachers, family guy, chobits, onegai teacher, haibane renmei, lain, elfen lied...


Otherland, shanghai baby, memoirs of a geisha, empress orchid, sevenwaters trilogy, LOTR, terry pratchetts discworld and lots more :D.


Don't really know to be honest :(

My Blog

Amsterdam next weekend with the Hollie!

OOOOh well st patricks day next weekend AND amsterdam, me and Hollie are doing that weekend cruise thing. Should be good as Ive been like 3 times now :P although not looking forward to Hollie trying t...
Posted by Rachel Hood! >.< on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 07:57:00 PST

Download festival!

Wow off to download I go tomorrow with my huge ass bag that is as big and as heavy as me stupid tent lol, eeek I can't wait it seems to have snuck up on me! I will take lots of photos I think and post...
Posted by Rachel Hood! >.< on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hamster Jam!

Well I'm 18 now and just got back from amsterdam (hamster jam) and it was pretty cool! The red light district is pretty crazy! and some of the stuff the shops sell are funny things like dwarf porn heh...
Posted by Rachel Hood! >.< on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST