I make a lot of sound effects
I am VERY gullible
I think about stupid things all the time
I make stories up about customers at work in my head
I have a squeekyish voice
I cant sit still for more than 5 mins
I like to dance like a tit
I love eyeliner
I talk to myself out loud
I think its great when u see people singing away to themselves in their car or picking their nose it makes me smile
I have been humming the James Bond tune forever =(
I don't like to sleep alone
I wear baggy pants and black this doesnt mean I'm a GOFF
One side of my bed is haunted
I had a "pet" gold tooth when I was little(r)
I scare myself walking up the stairs in the dark imagining someone is gonna grab my ankle
I am open minded
I HATE speaking on the phone
My hairs usually a mess cos I can't help cutting it
I'm shy and self-conscious with people I don't know
I like most music
I like no.. I LOVE to read
I think porns funny
I'm lazy
I like to wear tutu skirts
I like to sleep in the afternoons or I turn into a moody child ^.^
Im not a morning person
I play computer games
I am a geek.
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