People who find themselves saying "Back in the day " alot. People who love to think, laugh, and are completely laid back. People who understand that beliefs are just that, and not facts. People who are ambitious, but still cool. Cool people period...actually not just cool people, but the coolest mofoes out there. T-shirt business people. Odd people. Hedonists. Smart folks. Short people. People who are straightforward with their feelings and don't just change up on you all of the sudden and you're like "OK what the hell just happened?" People with toddlers, People with Pdd/nos kids. Tall people. People that share my interests and people who don't. People with afros, People who've known me in the past but fell out of touch, out of time, Hall and Oates, and people who adore Mr. Spock. People. Nobody and Everybody.