Enjoyable to me are really hot showers, bruises of any sort, fountain soda, mashed potatoes, snow days, late night with Conan O'brien, True Romance, Radiohead, lace on clothing, smoking cigarettes, writing (I'm whispering), heat rashes, red moist lips, hang nails, c-section scars, midwifery, gardening, snapping snow peas, fish eggs between my teeth, loose teeth, wiggling loose teeth with my tongue (too bad that stops when you're like eight), roof tops, swimming, poetry, and: "There is the rising up from light's embrace you can see in a field or in a child's dancing. Every city is a dulcimer That plays its chorus against Our ears. The lid of a pot starts jumping When water gets ecstatic from fire. If I ever don't complete a sentence While we are together Accept my apologies and try to understand This sweet drunk thought. Birds initially had no desire to fly, What really happened was this: God once sat close to them playing Music. When he left They missed him so much Their great longing sprouted wings, Needing to search the Sky. Listen, Hafiz knows, Nothing evolves us like Love."
ted berrigan, kenneth koch, my dad, marilyn monroe, a girl with crooked teeth."The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!†-kerouac
Radiohead, Pinback, Tricky, Modest Mouse, Bob Dylan, The Beta Band, Keller Williams, Louis Armstrong, The Andrews' Sisters, Richie Havens, The Beatles, Mos Def, mathew dear. peter bjorn & john, steel pulse, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, David Grisman, Sublime, david bowie, mr bungle, om trio, nas, peter tosh, the eels (amazing simply amazing), frou frou, the postal service, hot chip, tara jane o'niell, hokma ghandi, gillian welch, ani difranco, los lobos, ozo motli, led zepellin, two gallants, alix olson, my mornign jacket, lesbians on ecstasy
True Romance, Mallrats, Say Anything, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Requiem For a Dream, A Christmas Story, Happiness, the Land Before Time, Fantasia, Evil Dead 2, Dead Alive, The Big Lebowski, Ed Wood, Cry Baby, The Lost Boys, Garden State (don't make fun of my hobbies, I don't make fun of you for being an asshole), Prancer, Snatch, Ghost World, My First Mister, All the Real Girls (if anybody smiles at me ever again I'm gonna freak out), office space, mean girls, kids, cinema paradiso (the director's cut), legend, notting hill, drop dead gorgeous, pan's labyrinth, little miss sunshine, stranger than fiction, no country for old men.
Fight Club, the Phantom Tollbooth, Alice in Wonderland, 1984, Almost No Memory, Valencia, Trash, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Jesus' Son, Tarantula, the Chelsea Whistle, the Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America, Jon, On The Road, a Season in Hell, Howl, The Complete Works of Arthur Rimbaud, I Promise To Be Good, a confederacy of dunces, a place to stand, stone butch blues, the outsiders, rose of no man's land, anything by ted berrigan, in defense of food, the omnivore's dilemma.