Je m'appelle Tatum Joelle.
95% of people i meet cannot pronounce my name. ask and i'll gladly tell you.
i am generally a nice person, and kind of weird at times. i laugh at my own jokes. i still sleep with a teddy bear.[expect it's an elephant not a bear] I dance around in my underwear on a daily basis. i have strong morals and a big heart. i can be found bursting out random dance moves at any given time. i have my "just breathe" reminders. i can be considered rude even though i'm just honest. loyal. passionate. sarcastic. I'm haitian. bi-lingual. I am a text messaging queen. i'm forever grateful. I LOVE GOD. i love ring pops and i have recently become addicted to playing 3D pinball space cadet.
my new blog. . . ready GO!