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Hummm, I'll have to think about that? After all, with two of us trapped in one body we've got a lot to say! I will however say this', God is first in my life, he is my all, and what ever else comes my way' well, he put it there so I know it must be the right thing, atleast for now anyway??? I've been blessed with one beautiful daughter and although she is all grown up and on her own she's always here when it counts the most. Thank you "Rainbow". I believe in taking care of myself! Good health, and Spiritual awareness are a priority for me. Being myself took a while to achieve, but now that I am, there's no turning back. I love the Art's "in every form" and believe nothing is off limits. Singing is my God given gift and I've been fortunate enough to vocalize myself with some really excellent musicians! Thanks Paul "Bro" for teaching me to "Belt it out" because when I finally did, man, there's nothing like it!Things I really dislike: Fake people, Liar's, those who aren't able to be true to themselves and others, and last but not least, those who are not able to forgive others for their mistakes or past sin's," After all "are you perfect"?Things I like but am too chicken to try: Getting a Tattoo and having my bellybutton pierced! Skiing, (water and snow), and flying, ooh yeah definitely FLYING! If he we're your Son, then would you believe?Saint Theresa's Prayer (my Bro sent me this.)May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

My Interests

God, Music and the Art's, The Paranormal, Laughter, and Love to it's fullest! My Family and Friends. SEX!!! Hey, I'm over forty what can I tell ya? Numerology, Astrology, Dreams, Alien and Alien abduction, Rainbows, Peace on Earth, Oh... and let us not forget "all" God's furry little creatures, especially "Our Baby Seals"...I Love Children, they're our gifts from God.Know me as a child, not as a label We are somebody's child We are your friends, neighbors, and students We do succeed when; We are understood and supported We deserve dignity and respect We Are Your Future... Families Together Inc.


I love 80's Rock! As one Musician/Vocalist to another would say: I've heard it all, sang a lot of it, liked some of it, and always wish for more...Music is timeless!


Have you ever seen The Addiction? HORROR, Cult classics, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Drama. Fav : Close Encounters, War of The Worlds, Communion! Fire in the sky. "Anything Alien". Halloween (Michael Myers freaks me out!) Texas Chainsaw Masacre(all of em.)The Bruce Lee Story really kicked my butt! Believe it or not, I really enjoy "War flicks" like, Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan. On the softer side... Steel Magnolias, A Walk to Remember, The Wedding Singer, The Wedding Date "there are sooo many"! I LOVE MOVIE'S...


Best drama TV, House. Fav Showtime dramas are definitely "The L Word" & Dexter! HBO has yet to come up a show that can beat "The Soprano's" or "Entourage", although I'm really into Rome this season. I love anything "Forensics"! Oh, and I hate admitting this but I'm a huge American Idol fan! Hey, what can I tell ya? This year, my fav is David Cook!


The Bible! If you haven't yet read this one I'd highly reccomend it. It's great for the Spirit. If you never read the bible please refer to John 3:16 just once!Anything on UFO and UFO Abduction. Watchers and Watchers II. Communion! Anything by John Mack...I love "True Crime", and am a huge, HUGE, fan of Forensic study.


The Almighty of course...My Mother who is also my friend.! My Brother Paul, he's awesome! Last, but "never" least, my "Rainbow Girl" Janina, I love her with my whole Heart and Soul as she is my gift in this world... And then, when all else fails, "theres always Snoopy".

My Blog


Once, I asked someone for forgiveness and it wasn't given to me. Twice, I asked someone for forgiveness and it was denied me again. Do I dare try a third time, or just say screw it? How many times do ...
Posted by jDonnaj on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:30:00 PST

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Check out the best in Online Auctions at Overstock.com: Do a friend a favor and sign up today! Thank you for your support, Donna http://auctions.overstock.com/cgi-bin/auctions.cgi?PAGE=REGI STER&RE...
Posted by jDonnaj on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:57:00 PST