Todders profile picture



About Me

Well, I went ahead and put up this myspace page for me. I've had it for so long and just not done anything with it. This might come as a shock to you all, But I'm the one who runs and voices the Doodie Humor Myspace page. I know, right? It's like I just told you I'm spider-man! Yeah...Im a pretty big deal. Before any of my friends look at doodie humor, read some of the reviews Here. The shows are BRILLIANT satire (if I say so myself) and if you only watch the videos out of context, it might not seem like satire. But enjoy them anyway. I set this page up for my friends, and so people could know what I'm up to. Holla!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Lary, Curly, and Moe


your mom

My Blog

What's new 3/12

I'm off today, but I'm not off... I have a show tonight, and I've been spending most of the day getting stuff ready for Zombie Girlfriend. We had our first rehearsal last night, and I'm feeling confid...
Posted by Todd on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:07:00 PST