fishing. country music. rednecks. shows. random unplanned trips. having amazing fun. smores. spending endless amounts of money on underwear. tj maxx ♥ folding napkins at restaurants. fords. swimming. making up weird dances to songs. rock paper scissors. crazy handshakes. poo poo platters. french manicures. oh yes oh yes. silver cars. fast cars. sexy cars. sexy kims. too much sexy. naked feet. gingivitis. and lots of other stuff that keeps me entertained. ok bye.
non-navy friends in norfolk, notice the NON-NAVY part
country. rock. punk. alternative. rap. pop. christian. ANYTHING but Gross stuff. you know. no finger snappin music yo.
billy madison. thats all i have to say.
i dont really have time to watch it but i loved nickelodeon as a kid. it was on my tv 24-7 that and i always have koolaid. but i watch mtv and whatever i feel like when i actually have time.
JESUS, my family, my mommy, my daddy and my bestest buddy kimmi, the two cats and my pubby dawg.