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About Me

Well......descirbe me in one word.....NUTS! hehe love makeing my mates laugh and messin' round etc!
I'm in my last ever year of education, ever, in year 13 at Camden Girl's 6th Form. I'm not going to uni, much to many people's surprise (why??!) and instead shall throw myself into the cold hard world of television.
I'm what I suppose you would call halfway between an ameteur and professional magician, I'm by no means fantastic at it but I do love doing magic and hope to perform on TV some day, but for now I shall stick to friends, family and the occassional school performance / magic club competition entrance!
I also have a massive passion for TV production, well actually not just TV production but Media production in general, I've written articles for the Young Magicians Club magazine, Presented, Filmed (used those big old lovely cameras that cost thousands each.. eep and the brill PD150's, Edited, Drawn and Written shot lists/story boards, Helped create a set from scratch (which was fantastic fun) the lot really. . I guess you could say I'm a one woman production crew! One of my fondest memories of filming is when I filmed a massive tracking shot by hanging out of a (quite fast!) moving car whilst keeping a PD150 steady. Ace. I've also worked on Radio production; I was asked to come and co-produce/radio DJ at Roundhouse Radio's first ever show, and I'm a radio DJ on Plamsa-FM (sometimes! lol)
My aspirations for the future (hopefully not the too far future!) are to get a job in presenting(speifically kid's telly, preferably CBBC!), if not at first then I'll be a runner for a while and take it from there.
And that's my life story! :)
Name: Natalie Cro
Birthday: 12/04/89
Birthplace: London
Current Location: London! (grunt lol)
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: DAAAAAAARK brown
Height: 5'3 and a half lmao
Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty
Your Heritage: Portuguese by blood, British by birth
The Shoes You Wore Today: My fluffy "velhoa" boot slippers
Your Weakness: Self confidence in some circumstances and motivation lol
Your Fears: Spiders, when I hear a noise and find no explanation and dying.
Your Perfect Pizza: Lotsa cheese, black olives, mushrooms, lots of tomatoe sauce, crispy base yet flufffy inside, and parmisan cheese..

My Interests

Magic,..Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow :D, swimming.....when the temperature's actually above negative numbers! I like playing guitar (well...trying to...lets be honest now!) Listening to loads of different types of music and TV production.

I'd like to meet:

EDIT! I've met Rich and Dom so many times its like a casual thing whenever I see them haha. Brilliant. Still would like to keep meeting them haha.Would like to meet...Chuckle Bros, maybe Vic and Bob "YOU WOULDN'T LET IT LIIIIIE!" Haha. Matt Lucas and David Walliams would be nice. UPDATE: Matt Lucas actually passed me sometime in Nov 2006 on Oxford St while I was handing out leaflets for the Roundhouse haha. Uhm...I don't know..Paul O'Grady, he cracks me up. Thats all I can think of right now!


I like a bit of everything really rock, punk, soft rock tralalala LOADS


I like Thrillers i think they're called, the sort of horror films with really clever unexpected twists at the end. Certain types of Horror, Comedy, Arthouse is great; I've only seen two Arthouse films and I loved both of them, want to see more; "Dear Wendy" and I just saw (on 28th June 06) A Way of Life by Amma Assante. Really good films. Final Destination, Scary movie, The Others, Matrix etc! loads!!


Dick and Dom In Da Bungalow (RIP the greatest show ever) :P, Friends (so sad it finished!!) Will and Grace, Little Britain, haha strangely I like watching watchdog and crime watch......dunno why! :P Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Neighbours occasionally, Green Wing, The Paul O'Grady Show, Deal Or No Deal sometimes, Casualty, Scrubs, Southpark, Rogue Traders, Brainiac and Brainiac's Test Tube Baby (I was in the audience on the 7th Sept 06! and got electricuted on the 12th Oct 06!) The Slammer, Let Me Entertain You, Random stand up comedy sessions on Paramount, the tons of Lee Evans stuff thy show on there too, Chuckle Bros whenever I catch it on CBBC, America's Next Top Model, Top Gear, Catchphrase (the old one with Roy Walker is by far the best!) Any show about Magic, When will I be Famous most recently (let's get some variety back into Saturday nights!), 1 vs 100,....but apart from that I hardly ever watch telly... Hahaha!


no thanks! lol Am half way through Paul Daniel's autobiography but aint finished that in months! Mind you... I've been totally put off Mr.Daniels for life now.. ahem... if you know me, you'll know why!!


Dick and Dom, Chuckle bro's, not me heros though! well thier D&D's comedy father so

My Blog

No Longer a YMC Member...

As of Midnight tonight, my last membership to the great Young Magicians' Club expires forever. I feel really sad  The YMC has helped me soo much in magic and in making new life long friends. My ...
Posted by Natalie on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:51:00 PST

One Year On...

Bloody hell.... It's already been one year since Dick and Dom In Da Bungalow ended...Where has all the time gone?! And evidently the past year's Saturday Morning output on CBBC has changed dramaticall...
Posted by Natalie on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:33:00 PST

95% of statistics are made up..

No reason for that title, I just quite like that stupid saying/joke whatever you want to call it. Yes, children, it's time again for another moaning to self session on one of the great mysteries of l...
Posted by Natalie on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 07:17:00 PST


Man.. I feel like someone's chucked me on the floor and dragged me 1000 miles on my face through a hedge backwards... I had a tickly throat last night so I had a lemsip, went to sleep, woke up th...
Posted by Natalie on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 02:10:00 PST

"DJ Nat's Wierd & Wonderful Variety Hour"

Oh my Giddy Aunt.... I f*cked that up big time... for a start... I didn't get on air til half 10 (10 o clock intended) becuase I couldn't connect to the server... then I kept bodging up everythin...
Posted by Natalie on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:23:00 PST

A Weekend In The City

This.Album.Rocks.Full.Stop  Went down to the west end to get it during me free periods (just about got back in time for lunch If you're a fan of Bloc Party, I seriously recommend it. Such an ace...
Posted by Natalie on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:17:00 PST


IT'S SNOWING AND 6TH FORM IS CLOSED!!! I'm so happy right now!! ...
Posted by Natalie on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST

Random Quizes

I'm very bored, and I saw the "which Ben and Jerry's IceCream are you?" thing on Jen's MySpace so I got into this thing, I'll just post em all here insetad of clogigng up my MySpace with crap any more...
Posted by Natalie on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 05:06:00 PST

Bye Bye Christmas for another year!

Awww.... we're taking down the last of our Christmas decorations now... the house looks so bare and boring! Well atleast "bare" is about to change to full of crap  or "stuff" when we get the box...
Posted by Natalie on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 05:15:00 PST

Yank Kid Magicians

I've had it up to here with stupid little 12 year old (I don't care if that's not how old you are, that's how old you're behaving.. and that's a compliment) yanky kids, so called "magicians"...
Posted by Natalie on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:37:00 PST