This is without doubt the most entertaining family show on TV. Why? Because it not the same boring story that you normally see in family show – that at the end they will forgive and forget each family member for the wrong they have done.Story: One family, Two Parents, Fours Boys from hell – What could go right? Yeah all you see here is the mischief, and more mischief. The real life situation which being transform into a total hilarious story. That what make Malcolm so special and it very unique story for each week make this make this series fool-proof from boredom, cause you'll never know what next.There's hardly anything to complain about this series (maybe just one thing – Lois voice while screaming which is Very irritating). Otherwise this is a highly recommended family TV shows especially when you look for hard laugh and a heart worming story.Recommendation: Watch It!!!! Unless You Hate People Screaming.Rating: 8.5/ 10 (Grade: A)
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