I'm really on LiveJournal : http://louiserobertson.livejournal.com/
Louise Robertson is sick of bios!
Whatever, whatever, twin, whatever, whatever, SATs, Oberlin, car accident, still alive, whatever, whatever. Gasp, really? Yes, that really happened. Then...
George Mason University, name drop, name drop, whatever, whatever, award, award, award, award (yeah, four good ones), MFA, publications, publications.
Don't want to talk about it online, moved to Columbus from DC-area followed by some good stuff, again not for online, stopped writing, career, two kids, etc.
Then etc, etc, found an awesome open mic, etc, etc did slam, failed, did slam, eh, some good, hated doing bad, wanted to get her stuff across, kept trying, lots of features, published here and there, award, award, runner up, etc, etc, and here she is, talking in the 3rd person!
Go to LiveJournal for the poems, really (http://louiserobertson.livejournal.com/).
Louise currently works as a webmaster and content specialist at a law school.