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About Me

--------------------------Its all about the music-----------------------------------Its Music, so try it, without electronic tuners and a click track.__________________Its Music, It moves you, helps you examin things, tell's stories and sometimes makes you emotional. ------------------------______ Thats good stuff there.---------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________ Thank you, so for the Super Interesting details , here goes---------------------____________________________-Barefo otterry,, why, -----well I dont care much for shoes. Only ware them at work and in the cold winter(and then sometimes too) - Bterry plays all instruments in these songs, arranges, produces, engeneer, organic chemist, speller and is head cook at the tracking sessions. sometimes sings just to fill the gaps dontchaknow!! really!!----------------A certified Protools mixer-person (ICON Desk wanabe). Thank you Digidesign for Protools, How did I get along without it? --------------------These inspired works come from many sources, Love, Happiness, Thefts as a Kid, War, Wife and Kids and a Great Life. I hope your having one too !----------------------I just love writing / making music, there are 45 more demos in process and I will probaly rotate somemore in here.-------------------there are more tunes on the EP like Chinese food, and Leah plus a mystery song. (wooooo)---------------Buy. a CD. just go to use send cash (quasi) and ask for the ep. $8 Its easy!! use [email protected] ------------------------------------------------Started in high school and played at Catholic School Dances. Then played in Taverns all over the Pacific N/W. oh was that fun not! Also at some huge Outdoor Dances set up by promoters. ------------------------------------------------Fell in love, got married, had 4 kids and in 1988 found GOD, The Father- in Jesus the Messiah----------------------------------------------------- +++++++++ I am having the best life !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+++++===+++==Music can be a costly mistress. Dont let it cost you too much.----------There is a time for everything,--------------------- Worship, Rockin out, Workin, Loving and Children, Make room for all of them!!!! ------------------- because there are a lot of, guitar players, who play better that you do , so you had better enjoy what you do. ENJOY! ============================ "and dont forget my son, there is someone up above" --///// -----Thank you ASCAP______--------------so do good work!--,---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------>((((Harrison: I went to Haight Ashbury expecting it to be this brilliant place, but it was full of horriblespotty drop-out kids on drugs. It certainly showed me what was really happening in the drugcult.It wasn't what I thought of all,( these groovy people having spiritual awakenings and being artistic).It was just like the Bowery, it was like alcoholism. It was like any addiction. So at that point I stopped taking it, the dreaded lysergic.))))----------------------------------------------- ------hold it! check out my grand daughters Joke's------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Stand Back Its Comming Fast..- Fast Train

Add to My Profile | More Videos ------------- great-- Brazilian Jazz based Fusion-rock from my friend LuciodePaula in RIO ------ --------- OMG check out SERGIOS guitar playing, ITS AWESOME. You must see this undescovered talent. remember you say it here first. Sergio my friend "you play like God has given you a wonderful gift. Its a pleasure to know you.----------------- ////////////// WELL ///////////////--------------------------------------------- ------------------------Watch the Whales in 360 deg.--Check it out__ _just point your mouse in the direction you want to see. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------Go Rick------------------------------- --------------You think your Christmas light set up is cool? Check out the next one. sent to me by my son Stan thanks --------------Christmas Lights Gone WIld

Add to My Profile | More Videos-------- ok last one--want an Iphone? Check out the first bill- ___________________________________ -------------- My first iPhone Bill!

Add to My Profile | More Videos--//////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///-------- Hey Steve Jobs -sir, you would have to give me one, before I set myself up for this bill_______________----------- ---------------- --------OMG Guitar lesson?, check out my Itialian friend, here below--- ------------------ The secrets out......huh?be blessed!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 09/06/2006
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Band Members: whow, the recording band is just me, the road band is a whole lot of different people. so thanks everyone. -------I guess there is just one man to thank--- LES PAUL, I was tracking, in the bathroom, I thought that was an original idea.--- But Im preaty sure now, I heard it at Don Crum's, house, in the late 60's. I was just a kid and they were playing all those goofy records. "The new sounds" and a real radacle dude--Pete Seeger,(Don designed the soldipult in his garage, You Know, so he could afford stuff.). Audiophille's each and every one. Macintosh and Heath kit and RCA, Monoblock amps. and HIgh end speakers, and color organs haha,, and Cookie too.---With LES PAUL on the turntable--but he, use to record everywhere, so I Probaly owe everything to LES PAUL.-----Multi tracking, reverb, remote tracking, stuff I do every sesion, the man created out of a sharp mind. thanks Les.----------James Marshall, Randall Smith, Mathais (matamp),Leo Fender, Trailblasers every one----------- And of course, Thank you, Robert for making some awesome guitar pedals, love the Katanna,BD, The Compressor,Fuzz u lator-- haha and the sd,ds mods, They make playing guitar a dream.------------------------------------Eurotubes--what can I say, "the KT 77's are just what the recording Marshall needed"--Thanks------ God Their Good --------------------------------- comment== I firmly believe that artists and record companies soon, will only be able to sell one CD, that person will upload the disc and that will be it. so Im thinking of selling the next ep for $100,000 a copy. what do you think? /// any takers? ------------ mabye a producer and a record deal? even------------rca made me a deal once, yep, they said if I sent them 99 cents they would send me a cd every month, --ok old joke--- ------------ This is what started it all in AmericaBeatles 1963YA YA YA YA She loves You, and you know that cant be bad. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------If they only had a G System (I know that funky rickinbacker sound would have been gone.) hey it was just fine the way it was.-------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------First a note on my GSystem. this thing is so great whow I love it. and aparently you can drive Heavy machines over it. have a look Great job boys, now i need an even biger rack to hold all my pedals and asorted crap.. I love this GSystem. ----------------------------------- ------------------------____________________________________ This at Justin Has just about the same system set up as mine so , I put this here as a reference bit, thanks Justin!!! --------------------------------------////////////////////// /////------------------///////////////////////////////////// // ---------------------- So I have some original music that doesnt fit into any cd so far in demo form. so I put a few of them up on Soundclick- have a listen-_______ ////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// below are some songs that dont fit on a cd but i wanted to put them some where------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------///////////////// __________________________I wrote Crystal sea in 2002 and didnt know what to do with it. so here is the first time its published Crystal Sea (c)2002 LCG
Influences: These have been my influnces for the last 28 yrs------------------------- ------------------------------------------ The song -- Movin On (c)2002 LCG -- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ============================= hammer time
________________________________________________ working 4 summers at the hollywood bowl (midge) my good friend Vince just started working there again out of retirement, just to see the shows,, damn those were great times....and after seeing every show, from the LA Philharmonic,Zubin Meta, Beverly Sills,the Count, Joan Biaz (did a show by herself and captvaited the whole place) to the great Humble Pie, Faces,Floyd,The Zeppelinos, Purples and Whos, Winters, Eldon Shamblin,man the guy could play, Bob Willis, Bill Monroe the great, Charlie Daniels and the "kid" with the hat who played next to you, whow what a player. All the great guitarist of all time. The jazzbo's(cant name them all) but have to mention Joe Pass, Harold Roberts-I still use his warmup exercises, ,Grant Green, Pat Martino,- Whewww-Wes Montgomery. Then country guys(merle), the old blues guys,T bone,Buddy Guy,blind lemmon, willie Mc Gee, sonny Terry ,the Kings,Albert, BB and freddie, and The ThumpThump Dude you know,whow heavy, the grunges and the soloist's (Eric J,Yngie, Vai, Scratch, Ha,) all of them,,,, but for me, its live albums and shows,, The Live at the Fillmore Albums Thank you Bill Graham-(HumblePie, The Allman Bros, Los Lonely Boys, Neil Young), other live ones--Made in Japan, Live at Leeds(the american version),Cream Wheels,Albert Hall,Zeppelin, Sonic Flood, Its a Beautiful day, The Tubes, Zappa the Frank, Eric Johnson at Austin You made me want to quit playin, Ha just for a while,and Terry Kath from the first chicago LP, Transit Authority. Whow that still is good..on showman amps whew, did I say John Hiatt,John Hiatts guitar player you blew me away thanks,, lucinda Williams, and Pettybone-whow, dude you rock- Bonnemassa keep it up, Mr Lang, Kenny, Sonny Landrith, Duane, Mr. Betts- I salute you man. oh and Charlie Musslewhite, who cant like him? John Meyer- thank you! What can i say, I love the guitar players, hey not like that!!! all the lessons in all the Guitar Player,One,World,mags, you made me Grow. /////////////////////////// My Brother Chris, you made me want to play guitar, and you are the bestplayer I know(and I know alot of them) /////////////////////////// /// also ////and not in order of importance--- Earl Stanley Gardner, Erro Flyn, William Wallace, George Bailey and his savings and loan, Sergio Cavalieri Great guitar player and a friend, Sonic Flood, Casa De Davi-Brazil, and Davi, Rita Springer, Jason Upton, Anthony Skinner, William Clark(the lessor) haha (the best bass player around today) great job on Remember I love it, Selah project live!!! from 10,000x10,000, make another one please!!!! And of corse all the Vinyard Music, the GO-band,Engage 32, 1000 generations, vinyard UK-Holy, and the Dawn Rand music-awesome worship- Ya go Girl--and of course my MOM , My Daughter and Sons and My Wife of 30 years (who still lets me play guitar in the front room, man got to love her)----HEY you know, Somebody stop me---------------------------------- A word from ASCAP on making music for film.. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Bob you helped us grow thank you - -Keith whow you are still great thanks----- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- Emerson Lake and Palmer whow still great here's a little thing from the good old days. I love this band
Sounds Like: Chicken oh no thats Taste's like----------------------------------------------Have a few other songs that dont fit musically on the EP. -Well actually alot of them.-------------soooo I put some of them on Soundclick at--------- ndID=354585 just copy and paste --then click, Music.or search "Barefootterry". The song Wonderment and Splunkin4 are listed. Have a listen!! --------------------------also check out the great and only--"The Tube Amp Hall of Fame" i have 50 pages of the best tube amps and mono blocks, old and new...--Its another thing I do. thats at ----------be well /////////////////////////////////You must see this machine make music the details or on my videos section. Excelent.......////The Fantastic Music Machine

Add to My Profile | More Videos______________________________________________________ _ Brothers in Arms
..---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --------Dec. 1, 1977-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------Whow Live Is Best -----------------These Guys would just flat rock out..------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------I do use Electric guitars. Everything these days is electric. Im planning for my sound to go inside the soul of a person, actualy, you know, and see if they can awaken some kind of thing in there mind. Cause there are alot of sleeping people these days....-----------------------------------.....JamesMarshal lHendrix..................................... .
Record Label: ZadokTone HoodRiver inc..and are ASCAP members

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