Food Not Bombs is a nonviolent all-volunteer network that provides free, hot vegetarian meals and political support to low income people in hundreds of communities.
Fresno has 2 weekly servings by various Food Not Bomb groups.
Our serving is on Saturdays from 1pm - 2pm at Roeding Park (use the Olive entrance; we are located just north of Storyland). Our meal usually consists of rice, beans, soup, salad, pastries, bread, tea and water. Everyone is invited to enjoy this free meal!
Other resources available at the Saturday meal: The Fresno Free Bike Clinic performs basic repairs the every Saturday of the month.
The Sleeping Bag Project is a non-profit, tax deductible, volunteer effort (sponsored by the Fresno Free College Foundation) to provide sleeping bags and blankets to the homeless during the winter months. The FNB Saturday lunch serves as a point of contact and distribution in the winter months.
If you would like to help us prepare our meal, we meet every Saturday at Wesley United Methodist Church (1343 E. Barstow) at 10am.
For more information on Food Not Bombs you can contact us at [email protected] or visit the offical FNB website
Contact and meal information for
Sunday Food Not Bombs can be found at
C.A.F.E. Fresno