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My Interests

My main interest in life that keeps me sain is Fishing. Either fresh water or salt water, there is nothing like drinking a cold beer and reeling in a Giant Fish with good friends to spend the day. But when in doubt there is nothing wrong just kickin it with the people you enjoy in your life.

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As far as music goes I am into it all. I perfer a good beat that you can bounce your head to but I can be just as good listening to pretty much anything. this is just too funny.


All the classic movies like Half Baked, Shawshank Redemption, Gladiator, Braveheart, and any Will Ferrell movie except bewitched that really wasn't up to par with the other movies he has.


It is all about the Chappelle Show, Family Guy, Simpsons, Game Shows (the price is right) and anything that can make me laugh Family Guy - Cookie Monster Rehab

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The Pot Brownie

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