Born and Raised in The Bronx, New York, KoBane walked over the hallowed ground of "The Mecca of HipHop for years. Very observant & attentive as a child, KoBane reflects "I feel like I grew up in the 80s, so many people in their late 30s / early 40s have had a conversation wit me, and double take, asking "How old are you again?" lol... Through his youthful look, humble attitude and experienced demeanor, its hard to put KoBane in any type of box musically. Growing up in a low-income, "government aided" home, there were many things that went on - he wishs he didnt remember. Being exposed to drug abuse, over crowded home, domestic violence, etc... KoBane found salvation in listening to music. "It was the only thing that took me out that world for a few minutes". Although things were rough, he credits his mother and family for some how keeping love spread throughout the family. 'When times were rough we had each other, we got by on love. I have plenty of golden moments from my past, the struggle became golden as well, over tyme". Now a College Graduate, he was influenced directly by legendary SLick Rick. "Rick used to get the parties rocking, he influenced so much that's going on today, I'm just privleged to have been around an icon like him". With his group Prime Tyme, which consists of (Forkast, DJ M Breeze & himself) KoBane hopes to renew the feeling of the Get Fresh Crew era. "It'll never be the 80s again, but I wanna give the forefathers respectful closure - so they know some of us do appreciate the work put in to create this lane. But The Gap between my generation and the older generation is growing so I want to Bridge that... we need to understand their worth as a whole and vice versa, because we are, like or not The Present and Future... KoBane represent all of thee above.......